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Old 12-04-2004, 09:22 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

Held our 1st annual seacraft owners tournament today in what I am sure will turn into an annual event!!! Geat mtg some new seacraft people and although it wasnt a real large turnout everyone caught some fish and there were some pretty fish as well. My son came home from college in fredricksburg to fish with me and mike and watching him catch a few for the first time in years was worth it for me. I survived a slicled thumb (wire line burr) and a hook in finger and we caught a nivce mess of fish keeping 5 in the 36 inch range. Nothing worth weighing although it wouldnt have looked to good if I had won my own tournament,. Anyways first place went to Fred Tyler Jr on "Fightin Lady"with a 26 lb 11 oz 40 something inch fish. 2nd place went to Gary Hill and crew on the "Knot Working" with a 26lb 10 oz. fish. Great job guys!!!!Enjoyed mtg Keith and Jason on "Mega-Bite(beautiful seacraft, Graham on "Doghouse", and Charlie Sneed and son on "Donna Sea". Also nice to see and have Capn Lee fishing with us on her friends brand spanking new 25' seacraft."Sugar Mama". If only my boat was as pretty as some of y'alls!!!! Nice to bloody up the decks though!!!Only 7 boats for our inagural tournament but we caught in excess of 100 rockfish with lots of quality fish, and had a great time hanging out and talking "theories". Thanx again all for a great time, pictures will come soon. Craig [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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Old 12-05-2004, 12:18 AM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results


Congratulations on a fun inaugral event. Images would be fun to see. Hopefully more of "us" can field a team next year. I know of several projects that will be online by then.
And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 12-05-2004, 07:57 AM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

Only 7 boats for our inagural tournament but we caught in excess of 100 rockfish with lots of quality fish, and had a great time hanging out and talking "theories".
Craig - I'd say you had a great turnout. Sounds like everyone had a great time, and catching 26# stripers in December ain't too shabby either! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:50 PM
DonnaSea DonnaSea is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

Only 7 boats for our inagural tournament but we caught in excess of 100 rockfish with lots of quality fish, and had a great time hanging out and talking "theories".
Seven boats with some great guys that have really good taste in the boat they fish from. Really enjoyed meeting everyone. Thanks Craig for coordinating this.

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Old 12-05-2004, 09:07 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

thanx charlie for coming and participating, i do appreciate it, coordinating it was a little more than I anticipated but it wasnt too bad and i knew it was seacraft folks so "it was all good"- you guys left before i had a chance to say good-bye !!! great looking boat you have, i know that thing will roll too!!!will talk to you later- craig [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Otto- thanx, i will put some pix up in the next couple of days when i finish up the roll of film, (gotto find something to waste 3 or 4 pix on, )lol.

Scott- thanx man- rockfishing is really starting to get hot now- tons of bait, there were probably thousands of fish caught and released just today(sunday) with people from all our neighboring states getting in on the action. fish are real skinny though- you guys didnt feed them up there before they left???? LOL- [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] craig
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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Old 12-06-2004, 06:38 AM
Doghouse4x4 Doghouse4x4 is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

Just to reiterate what everybody else has said, what a great time! Good to meet new people(especially Seacraft owners) and catch a ton of fish!
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Old 12-09-2004, 09:47 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Re: Va.Beach Seacraft Rockfish tournament results

got pix- lets see 1st i have to explain that the first batch did not come out because of the one too many theory in which the new film wasnt on the sprocket keeping it from taking pictures even if the flash was going off-duh
so instead of everyone standing in front of our baner - heres just the banner !!!

web page[/url]

next are some of the boats and the weigh in -first is the Donna Sea- and Capn Charlie in his 2004 23'
web]]web page[/url]

next in was Keith and Jason on the Mega Bite a 2003 23' cc

web page

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Next in was Gary Hill and crew on garys 76 23 inboard "Knot Working"
web page

another photo of gary and charlies boats along the floating dock

web page

First fish weighed in and good for 3rd place was Graham (Doghouse 4x4)1987 23'cc- (not shown) and his rockfish was 18-13

web page

2nd place fish went to Gary Hill and his knot working crew who had a good day also and just missed the win by the narrowest of margins (1 oz) 26lbs -10oz- he was so heavy he needed help gettin him on the scales,lol

web page

web page

Heres gary and his whole crew with their limit of 6 nice fish-

web page

Here is freds winning fish- fred lives a block over so he didnt run his boat by but he has a pretty very clean seafoam green 23 (74 i believe)

web page

and heres the first and 2nd place winners sharing a "love hug" Gary on the left and fred on the right-

web page

and the latest pic of my boat-

web page

sorry again about the rest of the pictures and also sorry i didnt get pix of the other boats but next year- hope they show up on the thread- enjoyed it folks and cant wait until next year!!!! Craig
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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