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Old 02-22-2007, 11:35 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Ok, Boys and Girls. The date is set. Here is the deal.
We have all worked to put a group gathering together.
That would be basically a weekend deal. The Moesley's
have graciously decicided to join all of us. This will not only be a tribute to Carl for his wonderful design, but a true family meeting.
You will have agree for the most part that we are all like minded people. Now what I need is a count for who plans to come for the day or the weekend. Blondie (wife) and I plan to tent camp Sat. night. What I would like to do is have plenty of paper plates and hardware (from Sam's Club)and that if every one brought a covered dish, we could have a pot luck lunch or dinner. Between Egg, Snookered, and myself we would have enough grills to do hot dogs and hamburgers. All other suggestions are welcome. Egg Suckin Dog has agreed to map out rampage and parking. Maybe a small donation from everyone and I will get the dogs and burgers and buns.
This will be a memorable event. Bring folding chairs, folding tables if you can. For those of us that will have our boats there we can run a shuttle for those that do not.
I plan to contact Florida Sportsman, Bennett trim tabs etc.
They may find this event beneficial as well.
Please PM or call me or start with this post so we can get a count ASAP. Shoot, I will even buy Capt Chuck his favorite malt if he decides to come. Most of us on the East coast could get a caravan going and come togther. If all goes well this will be a time to remember. The moon will be just past full on these dates. Lets Do-It!
See ya soon, Ken
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 02-23-2007, 03:06 AM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

I of course will be there, I am also local and can provide any info needed as I'm there anyway. I will say this, its the most beautiful place you have ever been in Fla, I have been a bunch of places trust me. I will do some recon prior to get the exact best place on the island and really it would in most cases be only 1 night so the essentials are minor. I have emailed all members that posted an email and have recieved many responces and I also have picked up guys from Fla Sportsman that I didn't even know had classic's. Call me with any questions you might have as I said I am local and will recommend a plan of action for you. 813 880 0922, there are different traffic patterns and ramps depending on where your coming from, we want you to have a wonderful and easy weekend, so call me with any questions- GPS numbers will be provided for any grouper guys and also snook and Red's spots, frankly right off the beach is as good as any, quite a place. I will posts some pic's, but its everything you ever invisioned as a tropical paradise, there is nothing on the East coast that compares by the way.
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive
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Old 02-23-2007, 09:27 AM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

but its everything you ever invisioned as a tropical paradise, there is nothing on the East coast that compares by the way.
OK Dog, them there are fightin' words
We get the sun up, you get the sun down!
We will have to compare notes on this issue.
We have a beautiful state we live in, We are blessed
with the many diverse areas of the whole state.
Can't wait to get there, Ken
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 02-23-2007, 11:22 AM
abjohn abjohn is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

I'm gonna sit down with the calendar and little lady this weekend and make some plans. Most likely, we'll just come up for the day. Leave early and just buddy boat with Resurrection and his 23'. If things work out, I'll get up early that Sat, hit the "WAY" for a well full'a whitebait and head on up.
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Old 02-23-2007, 12:36 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Guys, these opportunities don't come along everyday. Especially those EAST COAST GUYS who are whining about distance. With Florida Sportsman, Bennett, Ect. possibly on board, do you really want to be the CSC guy who regrets not being there because you just HAD to watch the same episode of Ship Shape TV were the GMAN Rebuilds the transom of the 1970's SeaBird ????
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Old 02-23-2007, 01:13 PM
abjohn abjohn is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Here's a little caption and GPS#s I found on the web.
Anclote Key is an island off the Gulf Coast of the U.S. state of Florida, located at 28°11'16"N, 82°50'44"W near Tarpon Springs. The island is accessible only by boat and is split between Anclote Key Preserve State Park and Anclote National Wildlife Reserve.
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Old 02-23-2007, 01:23 PM
Briguy Briguy is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

My wife Kimberlee, my son Jack and I will be there SAT & SUN for shore! To heck with hot dogs and hamburgers! THIS IS A CSC GATHERING. I WILL PERSONALLY BRING 5 POUNDS OF SHRIMP FOR THE BARBIE. Let's make this Martha Stewart/Emeril event not an Elks/Moose one. ------Brian

I will give Nick(BIGSHOT) a jungle, too.
Capt. Brian

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Old 02-25-2007, 09:24 AM
wavelength wavelength is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Gail and I are IN for Sat. and Sun. and maybe Friday night! Is there a head on the north end?
70% of the earths surface is covered by water...It's going to be a very long day...Florida Marine Patrol.
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Old 02-25-2007, 10:57 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Gail and I are IN for Sat. and Sun. and maybe Friday night! Is there a head on the north end?
They have compost or something out there, it was pretty ragged the last time I saw it but that was last year, there nice bathrooms and cold outdoor showers at the Anclote ramp about 3 miles from the northend. I tried get out there today to check it out but the wind would have made it a long ride, so I stayed closer. I will be camping next weekend pending weather and will get an up to date report.

I just want to add that the Martha Stewart of boating and camping was in fine form with the cheese burgers today, hasn't lost her touch and knew exactly where I needed to go for a salt shaker we haven't used in 6 months, how does she do that?????? she is very good at the island cooking, this was baby stuff today LOL
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive
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Old 04-24-2007, 05:24 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Re: Anclote Key Gathering 04/28/2007

Just got off the phone with Anclote Park.
Adam said if you plan to camp just check-in with the ranger
the day you are there. Snookered covered this but, repeating the number won't hurt.
727-469-5942 Anclote State Park
Press "5" for a warm body to answer

See ya, Ken
See ya, Ken ©
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