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Old 09-08-2011, 05:54 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

. . . oh so for summer of 2012. Damn, then I might be ready for this by then
My experience is that it'll take you at least a couple of trips before you get the boat REALLY ready! Little things like pad eyes in the cockpit/cabin to keep stuff from sliding around in rough seas, a VHF that's clearly audible at cruise power, a watertight cabin, trim tabs, and hydraulic steering make the trip a lot more pleasant!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 09-08-2011, 06:20 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread


Here's the gig, often in July the ocean lays down to be like glass with almost no swell or chop in the early A.M. I've taken my Seafari over at 5 a.m. and comfortably run 25-30 mph all the 54 miles to West End. Later in the afternoon the sea-breeze gets up and you get a light to moderate chop, and the swell can build to 3'. Speeds necessarily drop then.

Late June through late July, with an early morning departure is the time to go.
Fr. Frank's absolutely right. Five of the six crossings I made were like that. (But we hit steep breaking 6-8' seas on the other one with winds of less than 10 kts, from the NW->N->NE! You have to either be prepared for that sort of thing, or stay the hell out of the Gulf Stream if the wind is from any northern quadrant!)

However, if you're going on across the Little Bahama Bank to the Abaco's, my experience is that's always the roughest part of the trip. You can almost always count on 2-3' square waves on the bank due to the large fetch and/or wind bucking the current at some part of the trip. The 20's seem to ride better in the big ocean swells than they do in the short steep chop. If you're running a 20, you'll be much more comfortable if it can plane at 12-13 mph!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 09-08-2011, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

I'd vote for mid-July, as statistics say the winds are lowest then. June is often wetter, and the later you go in August, the probability of running into a tropical wave or worse increases!
I agree on this time of year but be mindful of the afternoon thunder boomers. They can get on top of you in short order. Below is a shot taken in '97 by my buddy boat just east of Memory Rock. I still had 35 miles to go into Walkers. I could not out run it and was already committed.

On the return leg, the weather can get snarly especialy out of the N/NE bucking the gulfstream. I hit 6'-8' also heading home in a NW Wind. It was very challenging to say the least!

I see there are a few newbies planing to making the crossing in 18'-20' hulls. Maybe a run to South Bimini because of limited fuel in the smaller boats might be less stressful & a safer trip? (approx 45 miles out of Ft Laud) vs (Walkers 105 mi out of West Palm, 90 mi out of Stuart) I know many of you are experienced and savy sailors and the new ones will be dependant on you.....

Just some thoughts to ponder


1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP --------

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Old 09-08-2011, 07:50 PM
YeA 20sF YeA 20sF is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

I see there are a few newbies planing to making the crossing in 18'-20' hulls. Maybe a run to South Bimini because of limited fuel in the smaller boats might be less stressful & a safer trip? (approx 45 miles out of Ft Laud) vs (Walkers 105 mi out of West Palm, 90 mi out of Stuart) I know many of you are experienced and savy sailors and the new ones will be dependant on you.....

Just some thoughts to ponder

Cant agree more
78' / 20SF / Merc XRi Black Max 150
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Old 09-08-2011, 11:15 PM
Rainmaker Rainmaker is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

I am a fan of crossing late in July, and like someone mentioned early morning is the key. That way you in the islands if for any afternoon weather. I have found that tropical weather seems to get really going late in August. The reason I choose late July is lobster season opens Aug 1 in the Bahamas so it opens up some shallow water diving and some good eating while over there. I am not sure it would be the same trip without being able to spear a few bugs each day. Of course, I am willing to adjust as needed. Of course whateve dates we decide on the weather still plays a role as you get close.
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Old 09-08-2011, 11:47 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

Hey Danny, it would be nice to have Caymanboy as our leader. I don't know all the tricks and hoops you have to jump through once you get there, so his leadership would be valuable. However he's still on top my "jealous list".
Don - I like the idea of leaning on that experienced and current knowledge base of Caymanboy and Rainmaker. I have crossed over to the Bahamas since 1974 growing up sailing around SE FL and respect the Gulfstream current immensely.

For folks that are not interested in the longer run across due to whatever reason: With my tank size, I would plan on crossing to West End(less than 60 mi), getting fuel and keep on going north toward Walkers and go from there..........My motto for making the trip is......Leave early and have options and flexability.

Chuck-This trip has your name written all over it..........
Rainmaker-I'm still working around the start of the lobster season as we discussed earlier. I agree with you, that going over before 8/1 and not spearing lobsters will probably be a deal breaker (barring the weather) for me. That's a big part of what I plan on doing with my kids and hopefully a few CSC friends!
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Old 09-09-2011, 07:19 AM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

I can change my schedule around a bit, to hit lobster season, I would probably catch up with you guys on the way back.
For the guys heading from the South, they may want to hit Bimini, then Lucaya put on fuel, run through the waterway, then on to either Grand or the backside of great Sale to Foxtown, I would have to check the distances, but I think that should put them at no more than 60nm a leg.
I don't know how green some people are, but it goes to say, where you are going, you either have what it takes to fix it yourself or a ton of money and time to have someone else do it, at half the quaility.
So, even with older engines and such, just make sure all your annual maintenence is done, and I mean everything, plugs, w/p, thermos, bilge pumps, filters.
I haven't had a problem buying bad gas or diesel over there, doesn't mean it can't happen.
As time gets closer we can do some better planning, but around there a good VHF, with an 8' ant is key, cell phones don't work so well away from main civilization.
Late July is good, even then, an hour or day can make a huge change in the weather, and a glass trip is much nicer (and shorter) than a choppy one, paitence and a good eye on the weather does pay.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-09-2011, 09:10 AM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

For you new guys this is key:

"I don't know how green some people are, but it goes to say, where you are going, you either have what it takes to fix it yourself or a ton of money and time to have someone else do it, at half the quality.
So, even with older engines and such, just make sure all your annual maintenance is done, and I mean everything, plugs, w/p, thermos, bilge pumps, filters."

I'd add to that, run the boat thoroughly in the months leading up to the trip, spend some serious money on spare parts and tools and don't forget to bring'em. Don't ask why I added the bit about forgetting.

The weather can get snotty and you may not like it, but the seacraft will handle it just fine. Having something critical fail 100 miles off and there is no substitute for spare parts, tools and the knowledge of how to use'em.
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Old 09-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

run the boat thoroughly in the months leading up to the trip
Wring it out. Learn your limits. Better to know what you can't handle before you're 35 miles from the nearest land. A shakedown cruise is called that because you are seeing what will shake loose when you need it. Better to fail where SeaTow will come get you and take you back to your trailer.

Go ahead and deliberately run in less than great weather a couple of times to get experience handling under somewhat adverse conditions. I promise you, when you're running before a squall with a 6'-9' swell with 30 kt winds, there is no substitute for knowledge combined with experience.

... Having something critical fail 100 miles off and there is no substitute for spare parts, tools and the knowledge of how to use'em.
Amen and Amen.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
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Old 09-09-2011, 10:57 AM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Default Re: Bahamas Gathering 2012 - Updated '08 Thread

Better to fail where SeaTow will come get you and take you back to your trailer.

Speaking of that. For a $150 Membership Sea Tow will come out to Great Sale and tow you back, good insurance to have.
Also on Channel 27 (in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach Counties)there is an automated radio check, when you are out as far as you go, use it and check to see how far you transmit and recieve VHF signal.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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