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Yep the first reports came this weekend, white bait is thick, kings should be very availible in April as well, to tell you truth there will be so many mackerel they will be a pain in the azz. Those big open bars hold alot of Cobia also as they go north. Snook will be all over the beaches at that time as well, just walk to the water. Tarpon will be around but they seem very hard to get to bite up there and grouper on the shallow rock piles within 10-15 miles 35 to 50'. Some very serious sharks, if your into that, very serious. Frank they fly about 200 ft all weekend up there, the little amphib planes, I don't think the ranger has any anti-aircraft batteries set up
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive |
Egg, I'm with Fr. Frank on this one, restricted flight patterns have gotten serious since 911.
Just try to get with in restricted Kennedy Space Center area and see what happens. Those F-15's come out of nowhere. Pilots license are to precious to jeopardize. Ken
See ya, Ken © |
It has been uninhabited for 50 yrs until the ranger went out there 3yrs ago, drop a 2000lb bomb on it and you'd kill a couple coons and a 3 possums?????? and since Frank didn't do a low level bombing run with a 2000lb bomb, all of which will be thrilled to see you and your abundant food stuffs by the way
![]() I don't think a comparision to Kennedy Space Center is appropriate but some Gov. employee thought it was a good idea [img]/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] ![]()
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive |
I'm all about that hard bottom action. I'll bring plenty of trolling and deep jigging gear and a big kill'box
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The flight restrictions over Anclote Key are a minumum altitude of 2000' MSL (above mean sea level) within 1000' horizontal distance of Anclote Key State park. The park boundary also extends out into Gulf waters 1/4 nautical mile (1500') in all directions. I kept to those distances for 3 reasons: 1, it's the law, and I am a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol. 2, I had requested radar flight following from Tampa Center, and my exact altitude and location was being reported to the tower every 4 seconds through my transponder. And 3, there was a Coast Guard C-130 flying around within 5 miles of the island at an altitude of 300'-500', at times actually passing directly beneath me while I was at 2000'. They seemed to be circling the very same school of fish.
Hey guys, I've seen a lot of schools of fish from the air over the years, but only once have I seen a school of fish larger than this. That was back in the mid 90's off of Palm Beach, when I saw a school of ballyhoo that was 3-5 MILES long, and some half-mile wide. This school off Anclote was undoubtedly numbered in the hundreds of thousands or millions of fish, not just hundreds or thousands or ten-thousands. It was absolutely gorgeous to see. Time to respool my reels. ![]()
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft ![]() (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
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Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive |
Agh, I plan to bring the hooka rig, go down and spear chuck
what ever the the group desires. Hook and line may be to time consuming. If there are ledges there should be some good grouper in the holes. I'm a redneck diver. wrestle them out with the gloves on and bring them to the top. See ya, Ken
See ya, Ken © |
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![]() This should get the blood flowing http://outdoorsbest.zeroforum.com/zerothread?id=595803
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive |
Ive been spending too much time working on my boat. Didnt notice the thread about the gathering. My seacraft wont be done yet but Ill be there in my other boat. sounds like a great party brewing. Anclote's my stomping grounds.
bbh57-Good to hear that you are coming. This thing is going to be a blast. I just recieved the CSC banner today from Trayder via Federal Express. All the pieces are coming together...........
Snookerd |
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