Got a chance to hookup with fishinEZ4livin aka "shim" who captains the New Salmon Queen ( out of Emeryville, CA. If anyone ventures out west to San Francisco and has some free time, I highly recommend trying to get a spot on his boat. I missed 6 fish . . . one to the prop shaft and the 5 others that I'll blame on the spectra line. Before the end of the trip Shim hooked one for me, so I didn't go home empty handed. I had a great time riding up in the wheel house and talking about fishing and seacrafts. Thanks again for a great trip Shim!!
Here's a nice plug from Brian Hoffman's column "THE FISHING REPORT" in the outdoor section of last weeks San Francisco cronicle.
Credit for the latest run of fortune and fish-filled tidings runs back to the weekend, to Sunday, when the New Salmon Queen ran to water just southwest of the main Farallon Island and immediately found salmon. Many salmon. Big ones, too. When the skipper could take a break from netting fish, he called in the rest of the fleet. Sunday, Monday and even Tuesday, then, were almost nothing but limits, with a couple of party boats even drifting for their daily take. The smallest of the salmon were around 10 pounds, most were in there at 18, and, for first time since the opener, there was talk of 30-pounders hitting the boxes.