Danny, you can try this link:
Green Turtle Rentals
Haven't seen anything on the Sea Star - it may have been sold; last time we were there was over 25 years ago, so a lot of stuff has undoubtedly changed. It was ideal location on SE side of island, so always a good breeze, and it was only a 15-20 minute walk into the village, which we did at least every other night. The Bluff House and GT Club are on north end of island on White sound, so not convenient to the village. Most places in the village and around Black Sound tend to be hot due to 80' hill just east of town that blocks the breeze. I notice they do have A/C now so maybe it's tolerable. Great Guana, Man-O-War, and Elbow Cays are other options, but they're another 15-25 nm further, more crowded, and the reefs are more fished-out than those north of GT. However, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that any of those reefs is spectacular compared to anything in Florida! Denny