Man-All I hear is crickets. The 1st family of SeaCraft will be there, along with at least 2 moderators, Spidercrab, ect..C'mon people.....Camp for free on the west side of the island and join the fun! My crew will be diving, fishing, and eating and drinking all weekend! Only watching the Chevy Florida Insider Fishing Report is NOT how a SeaCraft owner defines his life. Lets make this happen!
I`m riggin` for Sunday! All is well. Put the Kool Aid down, and pick up an adult beverage. 
I have a plan B for trucks and rigs if the F.C. does not pan out. I hope to bring offerings of DoDo`s to sweeten the pot this weekend. They are here now.
I need a trailer count.
I have 5-Oh, Mr Dog, 442, Snookerd, and the Slacker.
I want to take the lead on the tourney! K.D.W.? Fun fish?
CG award? Kid`s category?
Bent prop? I have already won this year`s award last Sunday at the ramp....... thank you. Bobby Soles got it back to me in a jif. Ole style sst 15x16.
Thanks Gillie!
Locals are always welcome to join.
Ole style sst 15 x 16
We have had much discussion on props and design properties.
What has not been addressed to my knowledge, or lack thereof, is 2 stroke tuning. I have a whole new learning curve to hear with my motor. She seems to like it and so do I. Lots of positive trim.