Figure its never to early to start planning- 2005 2nd annual Va. Seacraft Owners Rockfish Tournament- thinking about maybe expanding a little bit this year because i think we will have a few more boats i hope. I was thinking something like 30 dollar entry fee and a 60/30/10 split with maybe a lady angler/kid division also??? what do you guys think ?? also date- i was thinking around dec 3 /4th weekend???? I would like to get at least the date nailed down soon so hopefully I can get the marina deal (Long Bay Pointe again I hope) done quick and not have to worry about that stuff. - Ill leave the post on here for a little while and try to get some of the boyz from the other fishing boards, Tidalfish,VBSF and Sportfishing.Com to come take a look and hopefully participate. Anyways it was a pretty good time last year and hopefully we can kick it up a notch this year- lets hear what y'all think???? [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] lets get this thing going- craig
p.s.-if i remember correctly last years winner fred was happier with the little plaque than he was the money just so he could rub it in a little huh gary ????? what was the weight difference , 1 oz ??? LOL-