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Old 10-12-2003, 10:53 PM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Default Anyone going to Annapolis?

I'll be at the Annapolis show Friday and Saturday. I'm towing the new 16 Whaler for some fun and fish. Anyone interested in some fishing on Saturday, let me know. I could use some local knowledge... My cell is 585-414-7183.
And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 10-13-2003, 10:05 AM
gw204 gw204 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone going to Annapolis?


I might be hitting the boat show but as of right now, the day is undecided. Would love to hook up for some fishing but my next two weekends are tied up getting the boat ready for Don of Pipe Dreams to build me a T-Top. But I can offer some of that "local knowledge" you so desire. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Splash the Whaler at Sandy Pt. state park off of Rt. 50 just prior to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Jig some bucktails tipped w/ pork rind or bass assassins on a jig head at the bridge pillings (eastern and western shores) as well as the two monster concrete pillars and the two rock piles at the center of the bridge. The spider pilings (8 separate (or 4) pilings at one location) seem to hold the most fish but there's pretty much stripers on everything. Those pilings are on the northern most brige. If you work the pilings on the old bridge (south side) keep you casts out about 8 feet as a few feet down there is a ledge that sticks out and loves to snag lures. You can see it on your depthfinder. Work the entire water column and you should have no problems hooking up.

Good luck and have fun.


[ October 13, 2003, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Brian Miller ]
1981 Mako 17
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Old 10-19-2003, 09:43 PM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Default Re: Anyone going to Annapolis?


Thank's for the advice. We took your advice and put in at Sandy Point. Wow, what a nice facility. 22 launch ramps, tons of parking, fuel, store. I never watched deer graze while launching.

We started trolling the western shore south of the bridge half way to Annapolis - nothing. After cruising the boat show by water, we found some school stripers, evidenced by their gull following and hooked up a few keepers, although they were quickly and gently returned to your beautiful bay.

We headed for piling 24 on the new span (with the rocks) and found a ton of bait fish and stripers flopping out of the water. I was most impressed when a striper followed my white bucktail jig on a retreive and took it 4" above the water. Kinda surprised me...

It was a beautiful sunset and the water went flat. Although we didn't find anything much over 14", it was a great day.

The only thing I would do different is bring the the SeaCraft next time as the 2-3' chop/boat wake was more than the Whaler likes.

The 8 hr. ride home was a breeze (430 miles). In the words of CA Gov. elect Arnold, "I'll be back"...

And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 10-20-2003, 05:16 PM
gw204 gw204 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone going to Annapolis?


Glad you had a successful trip. Those 14"ers seem to be the norm here for this year. As the water temp cools further, the bigger ocean stripers will move in. In fact, a guy I know that runs a local tackle shop got one 49" just a few miles from Sandy Pt. last year in Nov. at a location known as Love Pt. (NE from Sandy Pt., mouth of the Chester River).

Again, glad you go into some fish. All I did was go to the boat show and drool all over the place.... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

1981 Mako 17
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Old 10-20-2003, 10:03 PM
John R John R is offline
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Default Re: Anyone going to Annapolis?

Brian & Otto, that brought back some memories as I used to fish school bass of the Bay Bridge when I was a kid... My most recent trip was in my 20 Searay about 12 years ago getting knocked around in seas I should not have been out in (nor were they forecast)...

Brian - we are not giving you back your stripers! Your Rock are staying up north! Got about 35 this weekend fishing the surf, small bass between 26 & 33 inches (but no blues!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )
Surf and Boat fishing for
Striped Bass
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Old 10-22-2003, 12:55 PM
gw204 gw204 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone going to Annapolis?

C'mon John, share the wealth! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I'll realease them so they can swim back to you next year, I promise. I'm not big on seafood (unless it's fresh tuna), I just like catchin' 'em!

[ October 22, 2003, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Brian Miller ]
1981 Mako 17
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