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It is 9 nautical miles from Barnegat Inlet to my Blackfish honey hole. Actually, it is a 200+ foot wreck. What a piece!!!!
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
Are we still on for Dec 27 and/or 28? The blackfish are still biting. Peter
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
Peter, Friday looks like a good possibility. Please call me on my cell. 941-544-7400. I am in NJ. Brian.
Capt. Brian |
Brian and his dad, Bill, were rewarded today for driving two hours each way to Blackfish. I will let Brian provide the details.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
Peter, Please say that Brian's dad Bill out fished his
boy.. ![]() Glad you guys were able to hook-up ![]() Happy New Year, Ken
See ya, Ken © |
Well, everyone on the SeaCraft (I had five people) limited out. The limit is 8 fish per person. Each fish has to be at least 14 inches. I will leave the fish stories, complete with pictures, up to Brian. Peter
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
Peter-Nice job. Brian where are those pictures? There is a topic on how to post picts, if you need help
Snookerd |
I borrowed my mom's camera and she should be emailing them to me tomorrow. I have posted pix here in the past. Fish story and pix to follow.
Capt. Brian |
Where are those pix?
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
I gave Brian 3 weeks to post his story and pictures. Maybe we will all see the pix one day.
Net/net, here is the past due fish story. I took Brian, his day Bill, my brother in law and my nephew out Blackfishing. The waters were very warm for late Dec (47 degrees). We targeted the same wreck that we had been slaying the Blackfish on. The wreck is a 250 foot beast. When you are over it the bottom goes for 80+ feet to about 65 feet. We started fishing around 9am. By 1:30pm everyone had caught their limit of Blackfish. We packed a 96 quart cooler to the point that we could not shut the top. Early on Brain caught a 9 pounder and he was hoping that would be the big fish of the day. Nope. Later on my nephew caught an 11 pound slob. Moments after he reeled it in Brian's dad, bags one that's close to 12 pounds. All in all, a very productive trip. I have caught Blackfsih all over NJ, NY and NE, and I have to say that this wreck is far and away the best Bfish spot I have ever seen. I fished it 6 times between Nov and Dec and limited out every time. Also, real quality fish. Hopefully, I will get some other CSC members to join us for the Dec 2008 trip. Peter
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
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