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Old 10-17-2002, 11:33 AM
buzzcutt buzzcutt is offline
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Location: South Florida
Posts: 56

This web site is causing me to have serious withdrawl symptoms from selling my '77 20' Master Angler. I miss it badly now. I owned it for twelve years and loved every day and every outing with it.

I bought it with the cash I saved in the Navy. I repowered it with a '95 Evinrude Ocean Pro after raising the transom 5".

I sold it when my wife agreed to my plan to sell it and put the cash in the stock market so I could get rich and buy the 28' WhiteWater I so dearly want.

With the wife and three kids now, the 20 got too small. We need the room.

Now I find this website and all the reconditioning and rebuilding going on, the same love for teh boat I had, the free exchange of ideas and good advice, the in progress pictures and the outstanding finished projects. My time is now consumed with trying to find a way back into a 20' S/C I could use in the interim and then keep as a light tackle/runaround/solo trip boat.

I spend valuble working hours checking out the sire looking for new in progress pics and ideas. I get home and try to find time to get on line and check again. I go through the 'Trader looking for a really cheap 20 I could rebuild.

I'm possesed with the S/C's and can't get over it.

I hold you all responsible and thank you for a great site. Keep up the great work and I will persevere. I WILL have another S/C. I have added it to my goals and I will NOT be denied.

Keep the pic's and ideas flowing, for it is what now sustains me.

Experience: The ability to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem.
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Old 10-17-2002, 05:15 PM
John R John R is offline
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Hey Buzzcut, forget to take your meds?

Yeh, me too. 'cept I'm waiting to get my first 23 (after the wife gets a job [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] ).

But look on the bright side, down your way they go fo HALF the money they get up here for them...
Surf and Boat fishing for
Striped Bass
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Old 10-18-2002, 12:25 AM
Trayder Trayder is offline
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Welcome Buzzcutt-
you had me worried with your topic [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

Anytime you feel the need to mess about with a SeaCraft mine is yours to work on, hehehe

good luck with your search
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Old 10-19-2002, 01:14 AM
Hooper Hooper is offline
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Hey Buzz

Got my quarterly statement yesterday...OUCH! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Any stock tips you'd like to share that we don't know about???!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


"You're gonna need a bigger boat"
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Old 10-18-2002, 02:21 PM
buzzcutt buzzcutt is offline
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Location: South Florida
Posts: 56


I once met a gentleman who retired from NASA, took all his cach and invested in the market. He is now a gazillionaire.

During dinner he gave me three great stock tips.

1. Read "Beating the Street" by Peter Lynch.

2. Study The Motely Fool online. THey have very good information.

3. (most important) never invest in any company until you can write a full page on how that company will make money for you.

Since I stopped following my heart and began following my brain, I have done quite well. I took the money from the S/C and put it into XMSR in early November '01. It tripled and then began sliding down. My stop limit was reached and I was out with a nice profit. The stock is hovering around three right now.

The company has met all their targets for subscribers and is inline to meet the next subscriber goal. It may take a few more years, but I WILL have my 28 Whitewater.

I found the hardest thing about investing is sticking to the plan. My heart wants me to jump in and out. The brain makes me stick to the plan.

As far as my Meds go, I'm eatin 'em like M&M's.

Experience: The ability to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem.
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Old 10-18-2002, 04:12 PM
Matt1121 Matt1121 is offline
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I think you're the only one in the US who has made money in the market the last 3 years. I've thought about starting my own mutual fund.....The Ed Mancini Fund of Boston which invests in underappreciated center console boats from the south which are then hauled north, cleaned up, wax & polished and sold in the New England for a tidy profit

Anybody want to invest their life savings in my fund??
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