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Old 12-29-2004, 06:02 AM
Sleeto Sleeto is offline
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Default New OB Installation Ques.

I saw an ad in a recent post for a Johnson 225 from Ed's Marine in Virginia. - My questions:

1. What is included for that price? Are controls and guages extra and if so what is the approx. cost?

2. Is it difficult to get a local dealer to install a motor purchased elsewhere? What is a reasonable cost to install?

Paul, 1989 23' SC CC 250 hp Suzuki Four Stroke on Stainless Marine bracket
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Old 12-29-2004, 07:50 AM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

You'll probably need to contact Ed's for the details, or perhaps their site says something about it. I have a feeling the price is engine only.

I too have been interested in these types of deals in the past but was always concerned about the rigging aspect of it. If I were a local dealer, I'd be a little turned off if you came in and asked me to rig up an engine for you that you bought elsewhere. I have a feeling most guys buying these engines either do the work themselves or have a buddy that's a marine mechanic that can do the work for them.
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Old 12-29-2004, 03:21 PM
Sleeto Sleeto is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

I would think you are right. I have a client who is a Merc dealer and I don't think I would be comfortable asking him to install some other dealer's motor. But, I think I will feel him out and see what his reaction is.

On the other hand, I am sure my auto mechanic and I could figure it out. I wonder if a dealer must install the engine for warranty purposes.
Paul, 1989 23' SC CC 250 hp Suzuki Four Stroke on Stainless Marine bracket
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Old 12-29-2004, 06:09 PM
Ryan Ryan is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

guys my mechanic who comes to me says that he is yamaha certified to perform warranty service. I havent had him do this because i havent repowered but maybe there is someone around you that can do the same
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Old 12-30-2004, 12:44 AM
Scott Scott is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

You'll probably need to contact Ed's for the details, or perhaps their site says something about it. I have a feeling the price is engine only.

I too have been interested in these types of deals in the past but was always concerned about the rigging aspect of it. If I were a local dealer, I'd be a little turned off if you came in and asked me to rig up an engine for you that you bought elsewhere. I have a feeling most guys buying these engines either do the work themselves or have a buddy that's a marine mechanic that can do the work for them.
I would follow what Scott said ....

My understanding is that price includes nothing shipping(to you .. you go pick it up), no controls, no gauges , no prop, no install

PLUS If I had a warranty issue I would want the dealer I purchased from to "go to bat " for me and handle it cant easily do that in this case. Would a local dealer even give you the “time of day” with a motor you bought out of state cause it was less expensive?? We only service what we sell??
Sure that price is good ...but is it worth it when you need support ??

As far as who installs/warranty ...I think I have heard (Honda???) for the warranty to be valid it needs to be installed, in this case, by the Honda dealer...So I dont know if that is across the board with all manufactures…I would call the engine manufacturer to be sure if you do it yourself.

The Marina I'm in does not sell or install outboards I asked them about Purchasing a motor in this fashion and having another dealer hang the motor ...I got a "good luck" They did say someone may do it (install) ...but in the end the savings may not justify the nonsense you go through. Another thing is the pricing I have received from local dealers INCLUDES stuff like propping the boat till I’m happy, and checks during the break in period … I cant see them being as eager on a motor purchased from someone else ….

Just a "for what its worth" [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]
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Old 12-30-2004, 11:38 AM
gw204 gw204 is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

Call Ed's and see what they say. Everyone I have spoken to about them states their prices are for motor only. They'll pull another thousand or so out of you for controls, cables, oil tanks, prop, etc.

Also check with you local Johnson dealer about warranty implications. I recently spoke with a Suzuki dealer as my brother is repowering his 19' Grady. We were told that he would sell us the motor in a crate with all the rigging and we could install and wire it up. The warranty would not be affected as long as we brought the boat back to him to check before firing it up for the first time. That knocked about $900 in rigging charges off of the price.... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Maybe you could do the same?
1981 Mako 17
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Old 12-30-2004, 05:05 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

Eds is famous for its great prices but never take anything back to them to be serviced.find your own mechanic. theres a place in north carolina that supposedly has better prices than eds but the name escapes me at the moment. do a search on tht theres been plenty of threads about em over there. happy new years guys!!! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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Old 12-31-2004, 04:44 PM
Dunk Dunk is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

Take Ed's prices to your dealer and see if they'll match it. If not ask what he wants to rig it if you buy it from Ed. Buy the controls and wiring harness from him.. Ed's not going to be any better than your dealer on those.. If he's that busy and doesn't want the work then chances are he's going to be the same way if you do buy the engine from him and need warranty work. Find another dealer.

Mounting an outboard is no big deal especially if you have an old one to take off. The biggest hassel on the new DFI's is making sure the oil system is primed and the air purged. It's not tough at all and the procedure is covered in the shop manual which everyone should have any way.
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Old 01-02-2005, 04:37 AM
Hooper Hooper is offline
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Default Re: New OB Installation Ques.

I shopped around for my new 2003 Evinrude and decided to buy from my local dealer. Not only was his price very fair, but it has been a catalyst for a good relationship. I don't feel awkward walking in and asking questions, or scheduling service... that is something that I would have lost for the cost of a few hundred bucks!
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