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Old 12-29-2004, 01:42 PM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Default Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

I'm reading the article in the Jan./Feb 2005 issue of Boating Industry about the revamp of the the Mako "team" by Matt Gruhn. Better Get Mako

No wonder their products have tubed in the last couple of years. Curt Jason, Director of Sales has been there 11 weeks. Dean Jarvis, the Plant Manager - 7 weeks. Victor Schmidt, Operations Manager - 1 year. John Bower, Head of Engineering and Marketing, the only veteran of Mako has been back 5 weeks having had quit after 7 years.

At least they have a new team and a new effort. The article doesn't say much about SeaCraft other than they share the plant, marketing and sales resources. John Bower quotes: "We've got alot of small issues to iron out" and "we're not going to let these names (Mako and SeaCraft) slide".

Sheesh, how did the EVER sell or build boats in the last few years? I think we have finaly answered the question about "what years of SeaCrafts are better (or worse) than others".

Best of luck to them. The saga continues...
And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 12-29-2004, 02:30 PM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

“When we get it all together, I don’t believe it’s reinventing a brand or a brand name because I don’t believe that has been injured,” Jarson says.
During his years at Boston Whaler, competitive analysis showed Mako slowly drop down the list, until it eventually fell off the radar.
Seems like a contradiction to me. If the brand has not been harmed, how did it fall off the radar? I think they have a long road ahead of them to bring both brands back to their 1970s prominence and glory. I wish them well.
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Old 12-29-2004, 03:03 PM
Abe's Rocket Abe's Rocket is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

It will never be the same, with all the great boats like Regulator, Contender, SeaVee and HellsBay being built now...those brands will never rise above the above mentioned rigs.
1986 Seacraft 23CC
etec 250
Portland, Maine
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Old 12-29-2004, 03:18 PM
ned2nav ned2nav is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

Not sure about all the brands you mentioned, but the contender's are horrible IMHO. Never been on a boat as wet as a Contender. Yet they are one of the most selling boats, and reselling (boat trader). Still if the Mako's would somewhat go back to there old style, i think it would be an even greater boat than the new Seaceraft's.
If you need to take a shower, feel free to ride in a contender with 2 foot or even less seas.
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Old 12-29-2004, 04:25 PM
Abe's Rocket Abe's Rocket is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

Good point...out of all those boats I mentioned, I've on;y been in a Regulator...

Showers aren't bad, especially if you're with a lady friend.
1986 Seacraft 23CC
etec 250
Portland, Maine
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Old 12-29-2004, 04:59 PM
Billybob Billybob is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

I'd have to agree, showering with lady's ain't so bad. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

But seriously, I think they have their work cut out for them.
I think the mid-size CC boat market is saturated, there are just so many builders making them now.I don't think Mako can compete in the high end market.Mostly because there's too many really good top end boats being built, but are they pricey.Go price a Regulator, if Mako thinks they are going to grab some of that market share, they're dreaming.
But, if they can get their act together and produce a boat that can compete with the Wellcrafts, Prolines, Aquasports, etc. then I think they can get some of that.
I don't think you can expect someone to pay top dollar for a boat built by a "division" of a conglomerate when he can get one from a dedicated builder like Regulator or Yellowfin or Pursuit.
Unfortunately, I think the same holds for Seacraft. They're still beautiful boats but they're made in the same plant as Mako and people just aren't gonna like that, and with some of the well publicized problems with some of the newer one's I don't blame them.I wouldn't be surprised if Seacraft goes away, let tracker concentrate on a good mid tier production boat, and maybe sell the Seacraft business to an independant.Like Otto for example. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
But don't worry boys - none of this is bad for us CSC owners.
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:31 PM
gbf03 gbf03 is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

I agree in todays market with so many other companies out there, it is going to be hard for mako/ seacraft to fix there tarnish record. I dont ever think they are ever going to be the same.
Never been on a boat as wet as a Contender
Ned2nav what contender were you on? I have been on just about every size conteder except for a 36 and the 31 was the one that was the most wet. To me pretty much every outboard boat is wet.
web page

this one might be dry. I have heard nothing but great reviews in the tournament trails with this one

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Old 12-30-2004, 12:20 PM
ned2nav ned2nav is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

George, the Contender i was on was a 25' and compared to the 74 23' SC i had, that contender was designed to get you wet in 2' or less. Now on the other hand all outboards boats beeing wet.....not sure. i think it depends on how you drive her, and your experience. i did a billfish tournament in maimi, were the wind was blowing at 25-30 knots, went out on my old trusty 23' SC, and i have to tell you given the conditions it was a dry ride, except for the occasional wave crasing on and over the side.....hehe. I have not had the chance to ride on a 36' Comtender, but from i have heard from people how have, it is the driest boat Contender makes, but then again look at the size of the thing.
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Old 01-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Dave Hirshberg Dave Hirshberg is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

My .02 says if you want to see SeaCrafts and Makos built like the Classic SeaCrafts and Makos you gotta give them to a company who still builds their boats that way today...maybe Grady White? The tracker brands are never going to be successful chasing the light weight SKA type boats like Contender and Regulator and they don't need to either. Both brands have a no frills heavy weight pedigree that few manufacturers still produce. Off the top of my head Grady is one of the few brands that still builds "The old Fashion Way" for lack of a better description. OH, and they're not afraid to charge you for it. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
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Old 01-10-2005, 11:46 AM
pogden pogden is offline
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Default Re: Better Get Mako (and SeaCraft)

I still think Otto should buy back Seacraft!

Hell we have a couple of pro shuuterbugs on staff for pics.
A ton of guys with glass experience.
Marketing guys for that stuff.
A few doc's for minor injuries.

Set up shop in Tampa near the Anhieser plant and damn we are in heaven!!
Worry less, Fish more!
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