Re: Hull Painting
Hey Rex, lot of different opinions about the paint. I painted my old Mako with Canary Yellow Imron back in the early eighties and it was real nice. Its a very nasty paint to apply though and the fumes are toxic. The seacraft that moors in front of mine currenty has Awlgrip on it that was done in the late seventies and still looks pretty nice also. Both Paints are expensive, Awlgrip is a harder paint where Imron is more like a rubbery feel to it. It also looks "wet" without being wet. One reason I chose it over awlgrip. As far as finding someone to paint it I probably wont be much help.I would imagine any paint shop with a booth might do it for you for a price. Getting bottom paint off is also a pain, the worst job there is as far as I am concerned. I understand there are strippers (the paint kind) that will remove the paint, but I have always been leary about using them. I always sand/grind and end up with blue nostrils, ears, hair, etc. for about a month after I finish. Probably not much help but thats my .02$ worth. You might call Neville at Capps boat works and see if he will do it for you. 757-496-0311.2102 W. Great Neck Rd. at the beach, real nice folks(who build real nice boats)Craig
[ August 14, 2002, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Miles Offshore ]
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"