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Old 11-24-2002, 12:51 PM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default SeaCraft 18' owners question:

A question for those of you that own the SeaCraft 18'CC: what have you done to deal with the baitwell that is in the floor behind the console that continually fills with water?

The only two drain methods I currently have are either to get the boat up on plane and pull the plug or bail it empty while sitting in my slip.

If any of you have devised a pump or better seal on the lid, I would love to hear about it.

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Old 11-24-2002, 07:29 PM
toadfish toadfish is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft 18' owners question:

Mark, I got tired of mine always getting full of crap like leaves, fish guts, etc so I took a saws-all electric saw and cut the thing completely out. As you know, bilge access in that boat is next to none, now I can get into the bilge and really see what is going on. It makes it easy to clean out the bilge and do bilge maintenance, etc. I am in the process of re-glassing the original hatch hole and putting in about an 18" by 12" sealable deck hatch so the deck will be water-tight but still offer bilge access. I know that may sound pretty extreme, but the in-deck live-well wasn't very useful. Oh yeah, now I just use an above deck livewell....Toadfish
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Old 11-24-2002, 09:58 PM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft 18' owners question:


It just might come to that for me as well. It has usually been a recepticle for empty drink containers and other trash and never as a bait well anyway. Bailing the water out is starting to get really old. -mark
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Old 11-25-2002, 07:39 AM
bmaj319 bmaj319 is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft 18' owners question:

I use the baitwell for storage...fender, second anchor and line, snorkle gear, etc. I installed a 5" round plastic screw-in access plate in the stern side of the well. With the cover off any water drains into the bilge and kicks off the automatic bilge pump (plus it gives me access to the bilge and pump).
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Old 11-26-2002, 01:11 AM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft 18' owners question:

I bought mine and it was already sealed with 5200 caulk. I've got an above deck livewell too.
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