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Old 04-18-2002, 04:31 PM
striper striper is offline
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Default Power on an 18'

I see most of the conversation on powering an 18 is based on weight. Looking at Yamaha the weight is all the same from 150-200 about 460lbs. Does anyone know the ideal weight while not taking water over the transom often or using a sea anchor
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Old 04-18-2002, 10:15 PM
capesams capesams is offline
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Default Re: Power on an 18'


#1 1978 spec's for 18sf... max hp 150

#2 this boat yard sold a 18sf in 1987
w/motor hp. 90 mer.

#3 my friend has a 20sf and has a 150
on it. he can't keep it in the water
when under way, its that fast. now i
maybe wrong but i think a 115 or 130
would be more than enough hp for a
18sf. why try an kill yourself and
beat the crap out of a good boat.

my 2 cents.......steve
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Old 04-19-2002, 06:16 AM
bmaj319 bmaj319 is offline
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Default Re: Power on an 18'

I just picked up a 1975 18 foot Superfisherman without a motor...really clean, looks like it's never had bottom paint, no soft spots, etc. I want to go four stroke for a bunch of reasons, but the Yamaha 115 seems a little light power wise, and the Honda 130 is way heavy (500 lbs)and expensive.

I'm struggling with the idea of going with the Suzuki 140 at the moment...140hp, 410 lbs., great technology, good price, I have a dealer 2 miles away, nice guys, but...

The dealer network seems thin, reputation is pretty blah, and resale doesn't sound so hot. On the other hand, Suzuki has been gradually perfecting four stroke technology, starting small and working up in size over the past few years.

I'm thinking of rolling the dice, adding a couple of years extended warranty to the 3 year standard, and hoping the guys down the street are as reliable as they seem (and stay in business).

Any comments y'all? BTW, I'm new to the's too hard to find! I think it came up about 50th in a Google search for "SeaCraft boats." But it's got some great stuff, keep up the good work!

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Old 04-19-2002, 02:34 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Default Re: Power on an 18'

Bmaj-Get a reputable rebuilt 2 cycle 150 for way less and then wait until all other manufacturers built 4 cycles in that HP range. My 130 yamaha does 38mph on my 18. -My .02.
Steve-Right on with comments to Striper. My fathers 1987 18 SF with a Johnson 150 halls a$$.
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Old 04-19-2002, 04:18 PM
Trayder Trayder is offline
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Default Re: Power on an 18'

I am fortunate to have a very good friend who owns a Scout boats and Suzuki OB dealership. He is the only person I entrust with my other boat, even though it is powered with Yamahas.

He and I ran a 20ft Scout CC with the new suzy 140 4 stroke and I am still in awe. That Scout weighs in at over 2000lbs and that engine did not hesitate at all. Very powerfull and sooooo quiet.

There is no doubt in my mind I will be putting a DF140 Suzuki on the back of my 20 once/when I ever finish it [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

I am by no means telling you to go buy one, but if you have a reputable dealer in the area and are confident in the engine I would seriously consider the DF140.

If not, I agree with Snookered and a reputable 2 stroke is also a viable option. From what I have seen the DF140 can many times be less than a 150 2 stroke and on a dyno the DF140 was putting out 165HP, do not hold me to that.
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Old 05-05-2002, 12:45 PM
bmaj319 bmaj319 is offline
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Default Re: Power on an 18'

I know some of you guys will think I'm nuts, but I went with the Suzuki DF140. Rather than debate the wisdom of my decision, or the merits of 2 strokes vs 4 strokes, how about if I just report back how it works out?

So far so good, with less than 5 hours on it, I'll keep you posted...
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