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Old 11-12-2002, 02:28 PM
fisabel fisabel is offline
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Default 115 HP motor on a 20' ?


Do any body has a 115 HP on a 20 ?
Will like to know you observations.
I have the opportunity to purchase a Suzuki 115 HP
for my Sceptre 20 for a killer price. As you know this model is rated for 175 HP.
Advice from any body, even if you don't have experience with the 115 HP, will be appreciated.

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Old 11-12-2002, 03:42 PM
bmaj319 bmaj319 is offline
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Default Re: 115 HP motor on a 20' ?

Hey Machetero,

I was seriously leaning towards putting a 115 Yamaha four stroke on my 18, but there weren't any available locally when I was ready, and I wound up with the Suzuki 140 four stroke. 100+ hours and so far I'm happy way beyond my expectations. The extra hp isn't always needed, but when I have a few people and dive/fishing gear onboard, plus a full tank of gas, the boat still jumps right up and goes.

Plus, even with a full load if the weather turns nasty I can put the boat where I want it, when I want it (getting home through inlets, etc.). If I have to come off plane to get positioned, no sweat, I'm right back up when I punch it. So I look at it as a safety thing too. In flat water with just me and my dog I can run just shy of 45mph.

So your boat is about 250 pounds heavier than mine, and you're talking about maybe 18% less power than a 140. The answer probably depends on how you're going to use the boat, and what you expect performance-wise.

A Buddy of mine has a 19' Mako and a 115 Merc that he bought new, and he kicks himself all the time for not bumping up the power when he had the chance...with four people onboard the boat it just takes a long time to get up on plane. Again,you don't need the extra juice all the time, but when you need it/want it, it makes the day that much happier! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

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Old 11-12-2002, 04:05 PM
Briguy Briguy is offline
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Default Re: 115 HP motor on a 20' ?

What price are you looking at for the 115hp suzuki?
Capt. Brian

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Old 11-12-2002, 04:56 PM
fisabel fisabel is offline
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Default Re: 115 HP motor on a 20' ?


The Suzuki is a 92 and in very good conditions.
Cost, with controllers $1000.00.
I will be using the boat mostly in Tampa Bay waters (light shop 90 % of time) and an occasional
run 10 to 15 miles offshore. Most of my fishing trips are alone and in ocasions with a brother.

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Old 11-12-2002, 07:36 PM
Jon G Jon G is offline
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Default Re: 115 HP motor on a 20' ?

Machetero, I just bought a 20' with a 115(merc offshore). Not my first choice but the engine is a 98' so it sealed the deal. I was very suprised by the performance with two guys and a half tank of fuel. It got right up with out any problems.(comparable to my friends 20 Robalo with four guys and a 150hp) I've only used it a couple of times so I don't have all the numbers yet, a stainless prop is on the way which I'm sure will yeild a little better. Once on plane it will cruise with out effort at around 25-27 mph. and tops out around 35mph or so. Its been so windy I haven't gotten any flat water to try. If you keep the load light its fine I haven't tried it with a big load yet, I'm sure it will be slower but I generally travel light. I Also have dual batts in the stern. My engine is a two stroke that weighs around 378 or so, don't know how that would compare to 4-stroke weight wise. There are quite a few 20's up here with 115's, but like bmaj says when you need the extra power its usually not in the best of conditions and would be nice to have. Mine is alright for now but I will go bigger when the time comes. It all depends on how you intend to use it. My new prop will be here this week and hopefully I can try it and post some good numbers. Good Luck. Jon.
I support the I'm glad I can afford one boat theory!
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Old 11-12-2002, 10:26 PM
cSickNick cSickNick is offline
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Default Re: 115 HP motor on a 20' ?

I have a '87 Yami 115 on a 20' Safari. My boat with 2 people with full fuel will do a little over 30 mph. I would say that 115 is the minimum and the 175 HP would be a scary max!
The 115HP up here in NE does fine, most of the time i am backing off the throttle.
The good rule of thumb is 75% of the max which will put you in the 130HP range.
Hope this helps .... Nick
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