Star-board- Found an inexpensive vendor
I found a vendor here in South florida that sells Starboard by the sheet real cheap. I'm in the process of eliminating much of the teak off my 1970, 20 footer and making hatches for additonal storage. I was stunned at the cost at the local marine bandits. One of my buddies that rigs Contendors turned me on to these folks.
Its a Generic brand but identical to the "starboard" you can pick up at the local bandits. I paid 140.00 tax included for a sheet of a black 3/8 inch thick, 54 x 96 sheet. They have them in white, gray, and sandstone. They also carry 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 inch thick. They do sell to the public and this is were our local profesionals get their plastic. They also have acrylic or plesiglass. Give them a call if interested. They cut to order as well.
the vendor is Faulkner plastics 1855 w okeechobee in Hialeah, fla phone number is 305 885 4731. sorry for the long post but my project cost was cut by 75%.
[ September 23, 2002, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Roland Rodriguez ]