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Old 12-14-2002, 08:05 AM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Interesting rumour

Unverified as of yet and I dont normally like to deal with anything but facts BUT I cant help it this time.If true Im certain there will be pix to come. A beach seiner/ in NC alledgedly(sp)caught an 84 lb rockfish/linesider/"striped bass" this week. Sad to see such a big lady killed(especially if I didnt catch her), but I thought you folks up north would be interested. There are some real hogs being caught down here now. Water temperature has been dropping fast so Im not sure how much longer the bite will last before they get "lockjaw". My normal fishing partners are being nice and not trying to "rub it in" the fact that I am unable to fish. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] . Next year-I hope-)
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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Old 12-14-2002, 11:13 AM
John R John R is offline
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Default Re: Interesting rumour

Miles - that is interesting and still sad.

There are a lot of rumors od fish being retagged commercially from NC and the fact that they can lay out their nets in the outflow of a dumping inlet just pi$$es me off!

Say what you want, but the commercials in Mass are still only Rod & Reel. I'm not against comm fishing for bass just being excessive and stupid about it...

There was reports of a 90 a few years ago that kinda proved false.

Now on the other hand, I hope the next world record bass ALSO comes from the surf [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] . Don't get me wrong, I love boats & fishing out of them, but for the truest and most challenging way to catch a big bass, is with your feet planted on some rock 20 feet from shore with your only sensors being your hearing and the vibration of the line on your guides [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] - Simply ain't possible from a boat!

Hey Miles - I hope you are back in the game for next year!
Surf and Boat fishing for
Striped Bass
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Old 12-14-2002, 03:46 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Re: Interesting rumour

Hey John, I am for hook and line comm too. Va season has been closed to comms (ocean anyway) for about a month since they reached there quota. I think CCA is making some progress with the NC contingent but hopefully we can get them down some more but the NC legislature will have none of it.
If what I understand aboout this big fish is true however, she was caught just south of the Va line where there is a pretty good surf fishing thing going on. Long stretch of fairly isolated beach that you need a 4 wheel drive and a permit to acess. (from Va anyways. )Well before Oregon Inlet.Check out this thread from our home board :

By the way John, thank you for the kind words, I am real hopeful that I can fish again,but then again I am happy that I can still walk [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] .
"Lifes too short to own an ugly boat"
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