Long time watcher but this is my first post. Our family is looking at getting another sea craft. We have owned two 23 scepters in the past, both 70's potter hulls. Now we are looking at either a cc or wa, mostly a cc with the fishing we do here on Tampa bay. Right now age is not really an issue (I would love a 23 cc potter hull) but price comes into play. So I have a couple questions. What if any is the difference in the ride between a 70's and 80's sea craft? I know the quality/workmanship difference. Here on the bay we get the 20knt sea breeze daily with two ft chop, what is the ride difference between the 23cc and the 20cc in these conditions? Also what is the weight difference between the 23 and 20 and the same between the 70's and 80's built boats. I have to think about my towing capacity w/ my 2004 4.0 v6 explorer and class II hitch, boat lift and such. We have a 1996 19ft proline we would like to sell, so if anyone is looking for a smaller boat and wants a trade let me know. I'm glad I'm getting to the point of purchase and finally getting to post on this forum. Thanks in advance. Travis
Here are some fish pics