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Old 04-07-2010, 03:53 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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Default The Sleeping Deck

Stored - those are little stick on rubber feeties on the end

step 1

NOTE - the little angle brackets must be bent down just a little to match the mounted board angle - keep the wingnuts on it, stored - there is no hardware to keep track off


NOTE - the bracket alignment means nothing as long as one is one each side - these prevent slipping off the mount or sideways - those are the legs on the seat

step 2 - get it out - notice the wingnuts stay on- those plates could be a bit heavier - purchased at Ace heaviest they had.

Align the pieces and get 1 stud through and its easy from there - NOTE each hole must have the screw put in BEFORE drilling the next for perfect alignment - 2 boards must be matched as closely as possable as that provides strength.

Place the platform on the mount - I put a sharpie mark on the console where the brackets are - screws are countersunk

Peak down the holes and place the 2 pins in the brackets - NOTE- I mounted the brackets first and marked the hole in the board from the underside for alignment

Next the Legs

NOTE - these were just a yard tool handle - drill a hole for the screw in the top, loose fitting so it can hand screwed - I didn't measure these much, just got it close and stuck them under there where they hit the board about right and drilled a hole in the top of the board. It will flex so doesn't have to be exact, you just reach under the edge and put the screw down the hole and spin them on - a screw driver or dime will have to hold the screw - only tool needed.


we found these at HD $30 ea, they fold up very small and actually will slide under the gunnel in front - the wal-mart ones would not fold well - FYI Plantation something brand, good scotch guard coating as well

TOTAL ELAPSED TIME - 19 minutes to put it up and take it apart again
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive
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