23 sceptre transom replace and bracket conversion.
Just accquired a 23 sceptre,Transom is shot,Replace from inside or can this be an outside job?Gonna add a bracket for a single 300 or twim 150's,How is ride effected and is this the smart thing to do or keep it a i/o?
I am in the process of same rebuild- twin i/o to bracket and likely single outboard. Its all about preferences. Most prefer to move away from i/os it seems but plenty like them as well.
I went from the front on my transom, cut the stringers back several inches, cut cap just fwd of hawse pipes to open up the top. Recommend digging/ reading a little with seaches on this site to make sure of your plan before you get the saw out - should be several examples of 23 rebuilds -sceptre and cc and hopefully still some good photos - lot of good info. Good luck ! |