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Old 11-30-2004, 07:39 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Need a measurement from a 23' SC

Hey guys. I need a measurement to help me set up adjust my @#!$%^ trailer. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Get a beer first...

From the inside, measure the dead center of the stringers in the boat.

From outside the boat, across the transom, run an imaginary line where you think the stringers attach to the inside of the hull, from stringer to stringer. Then measure at the center of that line down to the center of the keel - I need that measurement - the distance from the imaginary line across the transom to the center of the keel.

This will allow me to decide how high I need to raise my wood bunk beds to properly sit below the stringers.


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Old 11-30-2004, 08:05 PM
Finster Finster is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

Are you high?? I had to drink a few beers just to figure out what the hell your talking about.

Otto just left a few hours ago. He should be home by now, maybe he has some insight for you.

'76 23 SC CC I/O
'86 20 Aquasport 200
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:11 PM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

Are you high?? I had to drink a few beers just to figure out what the hell your talking about.

Can we get a loud Amen?!
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:37 PM
Trayder Trayder is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC


I am pretty sure the stringers are at the locations of the VDS in the hull, does this help?
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:45 PM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

2 SeaCraft 23's left their respective home ports 80 miles apart. The first one cruised at 42 MPH in 2 to 4's with his new Merc 300X racing motor. The other cruised at 37 mph with HIS new Yamaha 300 HPDI in 3 to 5's. How many beers did the 2 men drink on the way to their meeting point? What was the Lat/Lon? [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]
And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 12-01-2004, 08:35 AM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

OK. I re-read my post and I don't know how I expected anybody to understand what I meant. It is a bit trippy, and I did not explain it well.

As 'they' say, a picture is worth a thousand words - only I haven't got a picture.

So, for sh-its and g-ggles. Imagine (inhale now), that the transom of your boat was completely see-through glass ( go with it ), and you could see where the stringers attach to this 'glass transom'. At the point where the stringers attach to the hull and the glass transom draw a dot with an imaginary grease pencil on the imaginary glass transom. Now, go to the other side of the boat and do the same thing, draw a dot where the stringer meets the transom and the hull. Still with me? Now, draw a horizontal line across and connect these (2) dots. Good so far ? 'Eeere.

Now, that line drawn - go to the very middle of it. Draw a dot. From this dot, measure straight down to the keel of the boat. That vertical line is the measurement I need.

And, I need: From inside the boat, I need the exact dead center of the stringers.

Believe it or not, but these measurements will allow me to pre-set bunk heights, and keel roller heights for my trailer. My boat is still in the water ( water temp in NY is 52 degress ) and getting ready for the big pull.

Lastly, " How high is up, and if so, why not ?"

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Old 12-01-2004, 11:10 AM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

A potentially silly suggestion, but call any SeaCraft dealer and ask them how they set up their trailers. My Loadmaster came from the factory PERFECTLY set up for the boat, no adjustments needed. I would think any good dealer (boat or trailer) could tell you off the top of their head where to set the bunks/rollers.

I'd measure it for you but I have a 20' so the measurement wouldn't help much.
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Old 12-01-2004, 11:13 AM
Scott Scott is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

Alan …. Hmmmm …The Box stringers DO NOT run all the way to the transom … the picture below shows two battery shelves (that are nothing more than some plywood with glass over them …. (Read that as no stringer support) this shelf extends back to the transom.

On this boat (76 23’ CC) you see in the picture that the stringers move outboard (to make room for that shelf)

As they near the transom however they cut the stringers height in half prior to reaching the transom. (ignore that black circle)

Starboard side looking aft

As Jason mentions above, the stringers wall, except for four or so feet in the stern of the boat, lay right on top of the transitions in the hull bottom …i.e. running strakes ….
The distance between the insides of those stringers is approximately 30”
Personally if I had a bunk I would THINK you would want to be as close to that area as possible so all that weight would transfer to the stiffest part of the hull (right into the stringer wall) OR would want keel rollers to bear a fair amount of the hulls weight.

If your not sure I would call a trailer place and ask them how to set it up ….even take it to them and let them set it the right way
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Old 12-01-2004, 12:00 PM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

What if C-A-T really spelled dog? [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Alan, you might be getting a little too scientific here. As Mark said, call an SC dealership and ask them for the measurements, or take the measurement from the inside of your hull side to the side of the stringer and transfer it to the outside of the hull and go from there.
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Old 12-01-2004, 06:47 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Need a measurement from a 23' SC

That's what I love about you guys. I didn't even think of calling a SeaCraft dealer ?! Duh !!! Very, very good idea.

It's funny I once called SeaCraft, before finding this site, with regard to a structural question - they were completely helpless and had no info on my "old SeaCraft". So, I sort of wrote them off ever since.

And, after reading all the (-) fabrication stuff/ warranty issues about the newer SeaCrafts, I did not think they were worthy of giving answers anyway.

Besides, I have you guys. The " been there, done that crew ". Thx again. Sorry for any brain-farts I may have caused...

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