Re: Possible Sale - 1988 Sea Craft SF
Ken, I thought you finally found someone who plans to love this boat back into health?
Heck Ken, I don't know about your idea to "fill it full of holes"???? You would need a giant bilge pump to keep it floating......I'm thinking this would kinda kill the value of your free boat boat offer!!!! Hummmm, let me think??? You can't give it away, so the next option is you would then have to PAY someone to take it from "area 442", that's not a good business decision!!!! You know, sorta like the "high speed Disney rail" from Tampa to Orlando, the US government wants to give Florida $2.4 billion of "borrowed money" they don't really have to build this train when America is in debt for trillions!!! Shoot, you could take the 'ol Secptre with a value of zero, which is your asking price, fill it full of holes tell "BO" it's now worth at least a million dollars 'cause you made improvements!!!! Odds are you would get ten million $$$$. You are going about this all are being way too honest!
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.
Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!
Currently without a SeaCraft 
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury