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Old 04-29-2015, 08:36 AM
ocuyler ocuyler is offline
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Originally Posted by Terry England View Post
Buy something light, keep the weight forward, call Ken at Prop Gods for a wheel and go use the dang boat. Put a Seacraft decal on it and the Bayliner gang at the ramp will be impressed! They wouldn't know the difference. You only got so many sunsets left here - enjoy the trip.
That quote made my day...
And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory...
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Old 04-29-2015, 12:31 PM
berts80 berts80 is offline
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I'm going to use the boat on lakes mostly, maybe a trip to the coast one or twice a year. It will be a light load, 2 people at the most, only fishing. I will have a 30 gallon shad tank that I can move to keep the boat balanced. I removed a 120 gallon fuel tank and replaced it with a 27 gallon tank. It is positioned all the way forward in the compartment the 120 gallon tank was in. Don't do much running at all, drop the trolling motor and fish.
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Old 04-30-2015, 07:28 AM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Originally Posted by berts80 View Post
I'm going to use the boat on lakes mostly, maybe a trip to the coast one or twice a year. It will be a light load, 2 people at the most, only fishing. I will have a 30 gallon shad tank that I can move to keep the boat balanced. I removed a 120 gallon fuel tank and replaced it with a 27 gallon tank. It is positioned all the way forward in the compartment the 120 gallon tank was in. Don't do much running at all, drop the trolling motor and fish.
I think you'll be just fine with that set up. I think you will be in the 35MPH range with a 90 and the 42 MPH range with the 115 with the right wheel. Everybody makes pretty good motors in that power range. Find a stable, reliable, local marina that will support your product and pick a color you like and bolt one on.

Remember fresh water is less dense than salt water so your boat will ride approximately 7/16" lower in the fresh water than in salt. The prop blades load slightly less by approxiamtely .00018 Kn., than in salt water, so ventilation/cavitation is marginally enhanced. These are the things only Gillie knows that answer to. You'll have to "go to the mountain" for those answers - Not Napal, the other one that's falling down - California!

Circle back with a report when you can
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Old 04-30-2015, 08:32 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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"The prop blades load slightly less by approxiamtely .00018 Kn., than in salt water, so ventilation/cavitation is marginally enhanced"

Terry, whatever in the hell that means.....stop it!!! I'll ask Denny what "Kn" means because if I ask you for an explanation you will tell me some BS and I'll have to believe you because I won't know if it's BS or not!! Besides are you sure it's not .00019 Kn?
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Old 04-30-2015, 09:50 AM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Default newtons

Originally Posted by DonV View Post
"The prop blades load slightly less by approxiamtely .00018 Kn., than in salt water, so ventilation/cavitation is marginally enhanced"

Terry, whatever in the hell that means.....stop it!!! I'll ask Denny what "Kn" means because if I ask you for an explanation you will tell me some BS and I'll have to believe you because I won't know if it's BS or not!! Besides are you sure it's not .00019 Kn?
Donny, you know.
Newtons, like Fig Newtons
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Old 04-30-2015, 07:48 PM
berts80 berts80 is offline
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Terry should there be much difference in preformance between a 2 stroke or 4 stroke of the same HP?
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Old 04-30-2015, 09:20 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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Fig Newtons??? I don't need no stinking Fig Newtons, I'm not one of those old farts with two or three packages in the shopping cart, along with their prune juice, so they can stay regular!!!
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Old 04-30-2015, 10:58 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Originally Posted by berts80 View Post
Terry should there be much difference in preformance between a 2 stroke or 4 stroke of the same HP?
No, but the label on the outside of the cowling seems, any more, to have little to do with the actual Shaft Horsepower/Ft. Lbs of torque/Kilowatts/Newtons!
I think the 115 Yamaha is actually 107 Hp and the 115 E-tec is 129 Hp.

Bert, don't get caught up in the "little stuff" and remember it's all "little stuff". Find a good marine mechanic close by and bolt something on and go. You are waisting sunsets, Captain! If you want used call Ellis Outboard in Bradenton, Florida (no he ain't got no stink'in web-site to tend to - he's busy rebuilding motors). He'll build you a 90 Yamaha 2-S and hang it on your 20' Hydro-sport. By the time you wear that out you'll be like 450 in Dog Years!

Go git them Stump Knockers ands Shell Crackers, man
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Old 05-01-2015, 07:48 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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"By the time you wear that out you'll be like 450 in Dog Years" doubt, especially if you really flush the engine with salt-a-way every time out and do not let gas sit in the carbs very long. Ask me how I know.

Oh yeah, "In dog beers, I only had one" last night!!!
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Old 05-01-2015, 07:05 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Default Flushing situation!

Originally Posted by DonV View Post doubt, especially if you really flush the engine with salt-a-way every time out and do not let gas sit in the carbs very long. Ask me how I know.

Oh yeah, "In dog beers, I only had one" last night!!!
Now Donny, if you was foller'in the thread more closely Berts80 said he was gonna' use the Saw-Zalled HydroSport on a lake. So unless he's e-mail'in from either the Dead Sea or Utah, he pretty much got the fresh water "flush" situation handled. The Yamaha Carbs are a pain with regular fuel if you don't run them dry or drain them. If yur running that corn alchol mix, it really gets boring. The mullet fisherman, guides and crabbers who use them every day don't have any trouble with them, but most of them run real gasoline and not some half-shine cocktail!
Speak'in of which, I hope you ain't been "test driven" no "essence of corn" based refershments what you been supposed to be sav'in fer da' Gathering based on these recent comments about flush'in a lake motor. Marsh was ax'in me the other night "Do you think Donny will share some of that Pink Pantie Drop again?". I said "Dang Girl, you can't jest go around ax'in stuff like dat at on one of these high brow CSC events". (She's a Hoosier and ain't as wise to the way of the world as her Cracker better half is). So anyway while nobodys listen'in "are you bring'in some of dat shit?"
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