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Old 12-22-2003, 06:36 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Location: long island, ny
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Default Re: 23 full transom

Welcome Pete,

As you can see by all the varied answers - this a tough topic. It has truly been beaten around this site a lot. Why ? Because it is a real problem w/ the inherent design of the boat. The stock scuppers will let water in when too much weight is aft. From what I hear - a decent amount of water too.

And, there is no easy, definitive fix. The Vortex, is a good idea, but still just a band aid for the problem ( by the way, understanding the directions for the Vortex takes beer drinking - trust me it works ). And, as Gene said, there is a thread about moving the floor scupper thru to the transom. If installed properly, going thru the transom will not cause any problems i.e. delam /rot.

However, I have never heard any feedback (+ or - ) from anyone who has done this. The one guy who wrote that he had it this way - swore that it worked great. I'm sure it drains well - the problem is does it actually keep the water from coming back in ?

I would like to go this route as well. However, there is no way in hell that I want to go thru the transom / create more work if it does not do what I want - which is to drain well and not let water come back in whem weight is aft.

So, that's it in the nutshell. It's just one of those small idiosynchrosies of these boats.
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