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Old 05-01-2003, 02:22 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Drain's

I fight this problem all the time, leaves, berries, etc. You could put those drains in if you wanted to and ya, the water would drain but those nasty leaves will still be there. The berries from the various trees will stay too, with the exception of a few that will wash into the bilge, as will some of those leaves. Just remember, that debris in the bilge will start to rot on the bilge if you don't wash it out! A little Clorox Cleanup will take care of those stain. I do not recommend it be used all the time but it will take care of those stains and will not harm the paint, as long as you don't "spray and leave". I found a cleaner that works great for that as well but, I can not remember the name of it off the top of my head. I will have to look and see if I still have the bottle around the house. Now that I park the boat in my warehouse, it is not so much of a problem. My neighbor just put up one of those 10'X 20' canopies to keep his boat under. Rigged it with lights that sring down the center. His boat used to be filled with leaves, now, it stays clean and dry most of the time, with the exception of the blowing rains at times. That might work for ya and those canopies have come way down in price. Just have to remember to stake it down so it doesn't blow when we get a big blow down here. Another guy I know uses one of those as well. He put some pressure teated 6x6's in the ground and bored the holes in the middle, stuck the canopy poles into them, which brought the canopy up high enough to clear his T-Top, then ran bolts through the 6X6's and through the poles. The 6X6's are down in the ground about two feet with cement keeping them in place, just like a fence. The only problem he has now is when he brings the boat in after a long day out, and quiet a few beers, he never seems to be able to get the boat back under it without smacking those poles! Some people...

I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 05-01-2003, 04:38 PM
Eric McNiff Eric McNiff is offline
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Default Re: Drain's

John - do you know of a website that sells those structures? I'm trying to get an idea on cost for one that is big enough for a 23'.
My wife does not care for the 2 boat theory
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Old 05-01-2003, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Drain's

Thanks JohnS.
Maybe it would be better to cut ALL the Black olive,scrub oak,Ficas etc.trees down within 10 miles!!!!Your right maybe a ss screen in place?or in the drain,just to keep the water from holding?
This is just a Pain.
Also I live where Ya can't even Have a BOAT in your yard !!!Should be illegal in Fl.So I cut a ramp in the Back yard cut My windshield down,Can't see it over the Priv'y fence.
So much for the awning.I was at a friends House last night(Wife's "BIG B-day")
They just bought a 24', They had a awning covering thier flats boat.$150. from Home depot.They extended the height/length with galanized pipe,cover from Harbor freight$50.
Looks Great.very little $$
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My wife and I had words,
But I didn't get to use mine."?"

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Old 05-01-2003, 06:33 PM
Eric McNiff Eric McNiff is offline
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Default Re: Drain's

Thanks Brad - I will check that option out this weekend...didn't even think of that approach.
My wife does not care for the 2 boat theory
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Old 05-02-2003, 01:55 AM
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Default Drain's

My SeaCraft 20'Ma '83 is all Newly painted ! With all the WIND we've had I looked in Her & there are the Leaf,etc. / residue STAINS !!!!
Could drains(Brass)low fit, be put in front of the scuppers on the deck to allow drainage while sitting at the house or even running ? I would put twist style plugs.They would drain into the bilge.
Just wondering if anyone has had this done.This is My biggest @#$%^^$# [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] having leaves etc.I do have a cover & do use it I don't cover it after washing(While wet) In the summer it will usually rain.covered with 180% humidity & wet is not very good either.?????????????
Scream'n Reels'
"Classic SeaCraft" Lures


My wife and I had words,
But I didn't get to use mine."?"

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Old 05-02-2003, 02:26 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Drain's

Ya, those darn trees, can't live with em, can't live without em....... Between them, bugs, and the "no boat" regulations, it would almost make sense to have a dbl car garage made dbl deep to keep the boat in. Ya, that's the ticket, a garage bigger than the house to keep the boat in!!!!

Good idea on the screen, darn, you are too good...

Eric, you can check at your local Costco, they have them at times too. Home Depot carries them at times as well. CaptBrad had it right on the money part!!!! I have even seen them in white, gets dirty quick, but most common is the gray.
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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