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Old 11-13-2003, 10:08 AM
Captn C Captn C is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft price increase?

I've see it a number of times here that they are "pricey". I don't know if they are marked up in your areas or they are marked down here?!?

I just looked at a new 25' SeaCraft with twin 150 Mercury's (not Opti Max's),alu. Trailor, a T-Top, out riggers, the bench seat option and it was $73,000. That's pretty cheap around here. The 23' SeaCraft's with single enines, alu. trailor, T-Top and outrigger's is a little over $50,000 which is about the norm for 21' to 23' by other manufactures.

What do you mean by "the way they advertise"?

[ November 13, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Captn C ]
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Old 11-13-2003, 08:31 PM
Miles Offshore Miles Offshore is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft price increase?

73K and thats cheap !!!!! Holy smokes Capn, thats a mortgage around here!!!(exagerating a little but not that much) Heres the way I look at it. My boat is nowhere the immaculate boat that most on here have redone. However I bought my 78 inboard for 6K repowered it etc and before this spring had a total of 13K in the boat. I have fished it fairly hard (approx.1700 "weekender hours since 95). Everywhere from Norfolk canyon (65nm east) to oregon inlet (90nm south). What does that have to do with the cost of tea in China?? Not much. But if I was to spend that much money on a boat I would have something much bigger than 23' and diesel powered. As I said my brother in law recently bought a 23 w/225 opti and it is a nice boat. I think he paid around 50K for it. Would I take his over mine??? Doubt it, mine rides better ,and its paid for. The 23 does not have the room my 23 does and the 25 is equal(room wise) to my boat.Thats what I was refering to advertising wise. Not quite sure how they measure them but those are just my observations. I know comparing inboards to outboards are apples to oranges but hey, you asked. Catch em up!!!(BTW-Nice website) Craig

[ November 13, 2003, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Miles Offshore ]
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Old 11-14-2003, 02:15 PM
Captn C Captn C is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft price increase?

I mortgaged my house to buy mine! You can spend a lot more on other manufatures boats, that's all I mean.

I looked at an Edgewater before I bought my boat and it was built like a plastic milk jug. It was also only 24' and cost more with smaller engines.

I have noticed the older 23'er's are huge boats. I am guessing that my boat (25 footer) is the old 23 with a built-in bracket. I have sent picture of my transom area to "strick" (I think that was his handle)because he plans to add a bracket to his 23'er so it will be 25' over all. I guess I'll have to E-mail SeaCraft to find out what year they started building the 25 foot boats. My boat also has the "European" (at least that's what they called it years ago) transom which no other Seacraft design has even thje 31'er. I never was much of a fan of that design, but it looks good on my boat. I guess it's like when you have a how ugly it is you think it's the most beautiful baby in the world.LOL

Thanks for the compliment on my web site.
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Old 11-17-2003, 11:45 PM
Ryank Ryank is offline
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Default Re: SeaCraft price increase?

Hi again I just have to put my two cents in> [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
I sold my 25 aquasport to purchase, and put a new motor on my 20 Sc Seafari. the ride is as good if not better in my opinion and I have as much fishing space as the 25 wac. Yes I wish I had a center console at times but for diving camping and being a Super dry boat it cant be beat. Not to mention I get twice the fuel economy, I've had a number of boats , Aquasports wellcrafts, north Americans, searays etc , and by far I love my Seafari the most,, I did see a 20 shamrock cc for 5k tho hmmmm.... J/K happy holidays

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