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Old 02-22-2006, 09:08 AM
hermco hermco is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

No offence ment capt_chuck but I would never do a thruhull X-ducer like that.

Here's mine. I built a box to perfectly fit the X-ducer and glassed it into the hull.

Could you elaborate on your tx ducer install? I am not sure I understand how you did it.
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Old 02-22-2006, 09:32 AM
Trayder Trayder is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions


I am with Hemco on this one.....Huh? And what is wrong with the way Chuck did it? It looks like you two did the same thing except you made a seperate piece and then glassed it in place.

I am guessing so you could change the transducer out?
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Old 02-22-2006, 01:05 PM
warthog5 warthog5 is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

Yes I cut a hole in the boat,the same as Chuck. but I built strength back into the hull with the custom box that hold's the X-ducer.
I'm sure the 2 diffrent install's could be debated until the cow's come home.
In these pix's you will see next, you will not see a lot of glass. That's because I had my hand's full and didn't get all the pix's I should have. I assure you that the glass is there. I usually put a skim coat of fairing putty over to of my glass work while it's still green so I'm not sand on the glass I just installed.

In this pix you see the plaster mold I made. I used the large fairing block to make this mold.

Here is the mold with the stem hole cut in it. The dimple in the mold helped to get it just right.

Here the box was installed in the boat with an every so slight tilt to get better clean water to run across the face of the X-ducer.

Fillet's of epoxy bonding puddy were run on the inside of the hull and the outside.

More glass was added to the inside and the outside to strengthen and build the outside of the hull up to have a smooth transition.

Fairing putty was added to the outside after the glass was laid.

My boat has a inner linner in the ass end. The pice of the linner was reinstalled, glassed in and wiped with fairing puddy,

No this was not a 2 beer job. But it made the hull as strong or stronger where a big hole was cut thru it.

One of the tech's at Airmar told me I could sell those box's. there is a small demand for them.

Here the fairing work on the outside has been primed and blocked.

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Old 02-22-2006, 01:24 PM
Fishjack Fishjack is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

Warthog - I take it that is a 1K tx-ducer and that is why you did not use the B-60? Or is there another reason?
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Old 02-22-2006, 01:56 PM
hermco hermco is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

It seems to me you achieved what Capt. Chuck did. He just used the transducer itself for the mold or "box" and that is how I have been installing them for 20 plus years. Cut the hole thru the hull as close as a fit as possible,grind the area around the cut out,wipe the area with acetone,insert the transducer and secure with some type of putty making sure that it protrudes from the bottom about 1/8" to 1/4",glass over with alternating mats and biax or woven rovings etc. run the nut down to seat on the glass you have laid,then go to the bottom and run a bead of 5200 or gelcoat putty around the tx ducer,you do not need to do all of the fairing of the bottom that you did on yours. I have installed hundreds this way and have gotten consistently good bottom reads at speeds of over 40 mph depending on the boats hull type and transducer location without a single failure or problem for over 20 years. Just my two cents worth!
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Old 02-22-2006, 02:48 PM
warthog5 warthog5 is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

Thank's Don. When I did this one there was no one I personally knew that did it. I've seen some done that were botched.

I knew from in the past of messing with transom mount's that they liked a slight foward tilt, so that why I tilted the box ever so slightly. I also knew that it had to be right on this one shot deal.
I just did it the way I throught was best.

Jack, Yes it's a B-260. It's hooked to a 582L Furuno. got to be able to see dem' snapper's.
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Old 02-22-2006, 03:15 PM
hermco hermco is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

No offence ment capt_chuck but I would never do a thruhull X-ducer like that.

Here's mine. I built a box to perfectly fit the X-ducer and glassed it into the hull.

Correct me if I am seeing this wrong but it seems to me that you did in fact do a thruhull X-ducer like that,you ended up with what Capt. Chuck did,probably took a few more beers tho.
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Old 02-22-2006, 03:38 PM
warthog5 warthog5 is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

Well maybe I'm misinterpreting this pix? It look's to me as through there is a bunch of glass piled up on the side's of the X-ducer and maybe just a little over the top of it.

this one would have to be cut out of the boat, not that that's a big deal. It just doesn't look as stable as the box I've built and the aditional glass to put strength back into the bottom of the boat.

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Old 02-22-2006, 03:51 PM
hermco hermco is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

What I see by looking at what I will call Labatt beer #1 on the left and following down to the transducer is that there is indeed glass over the top. I do not however see the nut fastened down like I would like. Maybe the pic shows the job in progress? There are clearly two beers in the pic. Perhaps Capt. Chuck could clarify this. Was this in fact a three beer job?
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Old 02-22-2006, 04:06 PM
warthog5 warthog5 is offline
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Default Re: Yet Another Transom Job in the Works - ?ions

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