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I am very interested in your boat, but i would like to know if you think there are any other issues besides the delamination. Deck solid, stringers intact, did you replace the fuel tank when you refurbed it? Cash in hand, waiting on your answer !
Sorry Guys, the boat is sold.
Hi Bill,
This is ken, the guy who showed up with nat when we bought your boat. I know there was some back and forth about the damage to the hull under the lamination, so now that some time has passed (and heads are a little cooler) I wanted to let you know exactly what the issue was. The boat and price was great and Nat was not upset about that. The issue was that he and I would not have bought the boat based on the the time commitment it took to repair the hole. It's ok if you didn't know that there was some major damage there, but we had a hard time believing that because it was underneath the patch that was on there. Anyway, we did buy it, and Nat has done a great job repairing the damage properly. He has the transom closed up right now, and a bracket is going on shortly. We have a motor on order right now, so it is a really exciting project. (BTW, do you have compression numbers on the OMC225? We have them now, but I want to make sure they did not change). You did a whole lot of great work elsewhere on that hull, and we are really glad to help get that classic hull back on the water. We ended up getting a second 23 hull. As we are now committed to reading classicseacraft.com a lot more, let's have a truce. I know where you can find a nice 20 project hull, if you are interested. I know nat's charter book (www.gtncharters.com) is pretty open, so that might be another way to settle up. Goin' fishin' generally fixes most everything, and it might be a nice chance for you to see the work he did on the hull. -- best, Ken |
Hi Bill,
I just wanted to clarify the last paragraph, by "settle up" I mean "clear the air." There is no expectation of any money or anything like that. My point is that you like classic seacrafts, Nat likes classic seacrafts, you like fishing, and nat has some bills and is tying to get his charter business off the ground. Sorry for the confusion, we just want to get everything out in the open, not reopen old issues. You are completely correct to say "buyer beware," but we are much more interested in there being no hard feelings. -- best, Ken |
So let me get this straight...
1.) Billybob sells a 23 seacraft with trailer / motor / hull for 5000 ( a friggin steal) 2.) Billybob fully discloses how he hit something and hull delaminated -- shows how he put a temporary "quick" patch on and discloses that the patch was a temp job that should be done correctly. 3.) New buyer buys a 23 project hull for 5K including motor / trailer hull -- obviously does not have a surveyor go over the boat. 4.) Buyer starts restoring project hull and realizes he bit off more than he cared for. Buyer develops buyers remorse and blames Billybob for not disclosing hidden damage.... 5.) Buyer then wants to mend fences after calling Billybob a liar... I call BS ... WTF did you expect buying a 35 year old boat.... buyer should learn the following phrase "CAVEAT EMPTOR" |
Hey . . . no need to go stirring up the pot on this one. It's history
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Agreed. Time for Nat and Ken to show off their boats...sounds like they are both now proud 23 owners. Cheers
__________________________________________________ ________________ 1974 23SF |
Onward and upward!!!
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
Yup - I've let it go.
I just really wanted whoever bought the boat to be happy. Oh well. |
We are happy! We are really happy. Nat is stoked to own a great boat. I just thought that it would be important to clear the air, because I know Nat got flamed in another thread, and no one seems to be responding to his request for help with the transom. The whole point of my post was to get out in the open the reason Nat had some tough feelings after initially opening up the delam. Sushi's point #2 is news to me, and that is part of where the issue started, I guess. The bottom line is that I could care less; the sale happened, words were exchanged on this site, and I just want Billybob to know where Nat was coming from. Sushi: 1. no one is calling billybob a liar and I am not re-opening the discussion. Billybob deserves to know what the initial problem was. Because of hot heads like you, that didn't happen the first time around. 2. No one is upset about the transaction. I think Billybob was glad to see the boat go though he probably wishes he had more cash. Nat and I are glad to have it, but obviously wish the boat started off in a better place. It's great that Sushi is sticking up for billybob, that is exactly what friends are supposed to do; I am not interested in opening up the discussion again. Billybob - once again, I am not calling you a liar and I not unhappy with the transaction. There were some tough words after the fact, and I am sorry I didn't jump in and straighten things out at that point. Nat and I really enjoyed meeting you; you have about the coolest garage around. Having a beer with you and looking over the boat was really great. The hole is now repaired, and the hull looks pretty damn good. -- best, ken |
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