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Old 10-27-2009, 08:15 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

I got stopped yesterday about 22 miles offshore by an inflatable off of a USCG cutter. After a quick search of my boat, they then gave me a ticket for not having a USCG Maximum Capacity plate. According to the PO, ALL vessels under 20'0" hull length must have and display a USCG Max Capacities plate while navigating federal waters (which is anything over 12 miles offshore), regardless of date or place of manufacture. This includes vessels like mine, which are titled as homemade because they predate the federal HIN system. The PO said I can get the $75 fine waived if I show proof of compliance within 30 days.

Here's what annoys me: I still have the original manufacturer's identification sticker under the helm. It shows the hull serial number: #2489, the max HP: 240, and the max load, persons, motor and gear: 1?35 lbs. (I put the question mark in there for the second number because the decal is torn there. The third number could also be an 8 or a 5) He said the manufacturer's plate was partially illegible or destroyed, didn't specify a max capacity in number of persons, with max weight indecipherable, and therefore didn't meet the requirements.

I called SeaCraft Boats, and they will provide a capacity plate for any hull they made since Tracker took over in '87, but not for earlier hulls.

So next I contacted a local decal manufacturer, and he would not make a run of less than 100 decals, at a price of $1,250, or $12.50 each.

Next I contacted LetterRite, and they will make a minimum run of 10 decals for $190, or 25 for $200.

USCG calculation for max hp is (vessel LOA in ft X BEAM in ft X 2)-90 [rounded up to next higher 5hp increment = MAX HP. The the Length is vessel LOA, NOT hull LOA, and may include the length of any permanently-mounted propulsion machinery. Length and Beam are also rounded up to next higher full integer. So the 20' SeaCraft models would be either
(20x8x2)-90=230 MAX HP
(22x8x2)-90=265 MAX HP (if the motor is through-bolted to the transom. (This is how the 19' bowrider and Seafari had legal optional 260 hp sterndrives.)

So the image below uses the 230hp USCG MAX HP calculations,(although I am open to using the 265hp calculation) and the weight limits from the 20' Seafari, which has the lowest weight limits of the various 20' SeaCraft models.

I'm considering order 25 of these decals. Would anyone like one at my cost plus postage? That would be about $13 or $14 dollars, I think. There won't be an option on some plates of 230 and some of 265 hp. They would all have to be the same.

they would look like this:
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:46 AM
nos3665 nos3665 is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

Hate to hear about the Ticket, This was one of my first questions about my 20 when I bought it, since I havn't ran the boat yet it been a non-issue but I knew I would have to do something before running her.
Count me in on a Sticker. PM me for the Info for payment.
You skipped the fishing report, How much did those fish cost per pound yesterday. LoL thats what my wife would have asked! Thanks as always Steve
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:24 AM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

I would look on line for a FastSigns store.

Some of those stores have a machine that is called the "Edge" (makes decals).

Normally they charge by the sq.ft. and you get so many decals per sheet...small run stuff. We use to charge about $35.00 to do a job like this and you would get a dozen or so decals.

I have been out of the business for a few years so all my contacts are gone.

Good luck.

"If You Done It...It Ain't Braggin"

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Old 10-27-2009, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

Fr Frank

Count me in for one. My 1970 20SF is like yours - considered home made and has no sticker. PM me for the payment and I will get it to you before you order. I would rather have the 230 vs the 265. I remember my dad's 20SF had a plate and the max engine hp was listed as 175. ??
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Old 10-27-2009, 01:17 PM
asdfhood asdfhood is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

I plagiarized this from the

michigan dave
Head Shark

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Posted - 10/13/2009 : 06:30:23 Show Profile Reply with Quote
Thanks to member Makoboat1 for finding this site, it looks like a awesome way to reproduce those faded HIN and Capacity plates, as well as trailer serial number plates.
1979m21 225johnson "blue dolphin" bought off this board and restored
with everyones help!!Gone but not Forgotten....
S.Haven MI>Columbus OH


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Posted - 10/22/2009 : 18:06:54 Show Profile Reply with Quote

Heres the plate made up in 4 days -$30
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:57 PM
77SceptreOB 77SceptreOB is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

According to the PO, ALL vessels under 20'0" hull length must have and display a USCG Max Capacities plate while navigating federal waters
If your Seafari is 20', it's NOT "under 20'-0" So the regulation does not apply to your boat. Your over the limit, so why did you get a ticket in the first place?

My Sceptre is 23' so I guess thats why I dont have one of those cap. plates.
1977 SeaCraft 23' Sceptre W/ Alum Tower & Yamaha 225
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:08 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

I'll contact Machine Plates and get a quote before I order the metal decals.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:29 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

If your Seafari is 20', it's NOT "under 20'-0" So the regulation does not apply to your boat...
Yes it does. The hull length on the 20' SeaCraft is 19'8", even though my LOA is 21'11" including anchor roller and propulsion machinery. The original sticker says 19'8", and you can still read that.

Personally, I think the idea of giving a guy on a boat identified as a 20 footer a ticket because his hull is 4 inches short is the epitome of nit-picking penny-ante bureaucratic masculine bovine excreta.

I also think he was upset because he expected to find drugs on my boat during their search and didn't, so he felt like he had to justify stopping me and searching for half an hour.

Let's face it, especially on a Monday, you don't often see small boats that far offshore around here. (Unless they're SeaCrafts ). I was stopped at 22 miles out, while on my way in from about 40 miles out, and the CG Cutter was at least a couple miles inshore of me. I was even headed across the motionless cutter's bow at all of 24 mph. Exhilarating speed, let me tell you!

Oh yeah, cost per pound on the cleaned fish including the fine is about $38 per pound. I brought home one (1) grouper, yielding about 4 1/2 lbs of filets. OTOH, I released several barracuda, and two sharks.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 10-28-2009, 12:29 AM
Tarpun Tarpun is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

Fr. Frank
Would need one for the MA maybe one for the Seafari. I can't recall it's decal condition. I've never had my capacity plate questioned when I've been stopped on boats without one. Better safe than harassded. Dave
1972 20 Seafari
1977 23 Savage
1980 20'Master Angler

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Old 10-28-2009, 01:27 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Fed requirement for USCG max capacity plate

I've been boating for 42 years and this is the 2nd time I've had my capacity decal/plate checked.

The last time was in Fenwick Island, Delaware in 1986, and I was operating an '86 21' Checkmate Starflight with a 3.4L 300hp Mercury on the back. The Delaware DNR was sure I was overpowered.

But nope, the decal said 300hp max hp. It was a "special order" from Checkmate in Bucyrus, Ohio (Actual USCG max was 310hp) The original plate said max hp 235, but they were happy to send us a new plate to make the boat legal for our attempts to break the then 107 mph world slalom-ski speed record. We eventually got that boat up to over 110 mph. As it was we had the 2nd fastest boat on Assawoman bay. (I also rigged the fastest: a 21' Allison with a 2.4L EFI Mercury Bridgeport that radared at 114 mph. Shoot, we got a plywood 26' Chincoteague Scow to run 93 mph with twin 3.4L Mercs. Now THAT's a story to tell)

FYI, I failed the world record attempt, but survived the fall immediately after a 103 mph run. I actually fell turning around for another run after slowing to under 80 mph. Can you say "skipped like a stone"? Pulling a skier, the boat would not go faster than 103. I sold my $600 Fox custom 98" V-bottom ski a couple of weeks later, still wearing a neck brace. Now I look back and say, "Good God! That was STUPID! What was I thinking?"

At 50 yrs old now, my body reminds me of the whole slough of incredibly dangerous and stupid things I did when I was younger. Over 50 broken bones, including breaking my back in three places in another boat incident. I have been severely injured racing motorcycles, sports cars, and offshore boats. I was a slow learner.

Yeah, I hurt most days, but, Praise God, I can still celebrate the Mass, and go fishing, and play golf, ride my motorcycle, and spend time with wife and my teen-aged kids. The pain is a small price to pay for that.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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