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Old 03-24-2010, 12:22 AM
workinpr0gress workinpr0gress is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

I see people pulling 27 ft boats down I-95 with
Jeep CJ7's!
Pulling is one thing. Stopping is another.

j/k I don't use the wrangler for towing more than a mile or so to my buddy's shop or boat ramp...Between my motor, low range (4-1) and gears (4.88), and having a 5 speed its great for sliding the boat on and off the trailer .....Anyone ever move trailers around on a wrangler/cj with a front hitch....WoW. When I was a kid the marina I worked at had a old beat cj7 with a 401/3speed/gear to gear transfer case , it had a front ball and man talk about packing the boats in tight for the winter.

When I use the Cherokee its very interesting being it's a single axle trailer but my no means scary, full on fuel towing a heavy goofy overdone trailer I can get up to 65 and hold it through a moderate grade, over 70 It falls on it's face and burns fuel like a space shuttle...

With tandem and brakes in good working order on the trailer and vehicle you should be fine with the 4runner. IMO t-tops and tongue weight are huge factors on lighter duty tow rigs, and again brakes
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:12 AM
Grisk Grisk is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

3/17-3/21 pulled a '76 20' SF from south FL to upstate NY with a '98 4Runner 2.7 I4 5spd. Too soon old, too late smart. I wouldn't recommend it. Short hops to the ramp OK. Interstate? Nope. My .02.

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Old 03-24-2010, 10:47 AM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

Thanks for the imput fellas. BigShripin, which one to you like better the 18cc or 20cc? 18 is my second choice. Any difference in the ride or issues with storage on the 18?
I like the 18 better than the 20 b/c of the layout. It's also lighter and easier to trailer. The ride is almost identical . . . except the 18 is drier ride.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:35 PM
76Red18 76Red18 is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

Thanks for the imput fellas. BigShripin, which one to you like better the 18cc or 20cc? 18 is my second choice. Any difference in the ride or issues with storage on the 18?
I like the 18 better than the 20 b/c of the layout. It's also lighter and easier to trailer. The ride is almost identical . . . except the 18 is drier ride.

Gotta love those 18's
" I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die; so let me live my life, the way I want to".
J. M. Hendrix
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Old 03-24-2010, 02:37 PM
uncleboo uncleboo is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

Yes I do!!
1975 SF18/ 2002 DF140
1972 15' MonArk/ 1972 Merc 50
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:36 PM
RS RS is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

I like the 18 better than the 20 b/c of the layout. It's also lighter and easier to trailer. The ride is almost identical . . . except the 18 is drier ride.
Not to pick fight or anything, but that statement makes no sense to me, maybe aside from the trailering. OTOH, if a hundred or so pounds makes a noticeable difference towing, you might need a better vehicle.

I can't see how almost 2 feet less floor space with a similar layout to my 20 is "better." Same with the ride. FWIW, I've been in enough crap seas that I've never wished for less boat under me - quite the opposite.
Best regards,
1979, 20' Master Angler
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:56 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

I like the 18 better than the 20 b/c of the layout. It's also lighter and easier to trailer. The ride is almost identical . . . except the 18 is drier ride.
Not to pick fight or anything, but that statement makes no sense to me, maybe aside from the trailering. OTOH, if a hundred or so pounds makes a noticeable difference towing, you might need a better vehicle.

I can't see how almost 2 feet less floor space with a similar layout to my 20 is "better." Same with the ride. FWIW, I've been in enough crap seas that I've never wished for less boat under me - quite the opposite.
Hey Roger -
Don't get me wrong . . . I like both the 18 and 20 very much . . . I'm just trying to compare the 2 . . . b/c I was asked which I liked better.

There's no question that I could use a better tow vehicle, but we are talking about a v6 4 runner (similar to a cherokee/comanche). My 20 MA was a good deal heavier than this 18sf (probably close to 1000lbs difference) . . . My 20MA also had a custom 75 gallon tank, large console, two golf cart gel batteries, Yamaha 8hp four stroke kicker, heavier dual axel trailer, so my original statement was not well thought out and misleading.

The 18 is drier in certain conditions compared to my 20MA and 20 seafari. I suspect the little reverse chine knocks down some of the spray . . . not sure but there is considerably less spray over the side in a beam sea( i.e. crossing buzzards bay in SW wind).


18 has 2pc construction with 3 piece look and feel (molded Gunnel caps) with better rod storage, taller cockpit floor, and a liner in the bow without snags. The bow is particularly nice for throwing a castnet or using a fly rod.
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:58 PM
asdfhood asdfhood is offline
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Default Re: Is a V6 4runner enough to pull a 20 foot seacraft?

I love my 18 and having been on both I have to say i agree with Mr. Potters statement "A 18 will do anything a 20 will do". The 18 has rod racks under the gunnels which a 20 does not have, unless its a MA, and the sheerline looks funny on the MA, (my opinion). In all its a great boat. I Usually tow with a Chevrolet Suburban for distance towing, but we have no problem towing it with my Jeep cherokee. As stated many times, stopping is much more important than starting and going down the highway. I have a bud that fishes with me at times that has a 1994? I think Toyota V6 prerunner? Do not know the engine displacement of HP but It tows as good as the 4.0 liter Jeep. I do know that limiting speed to 60 is much easier than trying to set speed records. Maintaining 70 in either the Jeep or the Suburban makes fuel consumption go up on par with the space shuttle.I do not see where Your vehicle would present a problem, so long as you are careful and realize that there are a lot of morons trying to make your trip difficult.
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