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Old 03-31-2010, 10:12 PM
Ryank Ryank is offline
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Default Think I am getting screwed

I need to vent, I have taken ownership of a large sailboat, and had arranged with a Shipper out of Florida to pick the vessel up and deliver it. The shipper and I had agreed on a date next week (even confirmed it this past Monday) and I get a phone call today asking if the boat is ready as he is up there (1400 miles away) When I remind him of the conversations he acts like he had no clue, got irate and hung up. Now he wont return any calls and has a fairly good sized deposit. I am hoping he realizes he screwed up and fixes this but I am thinking I have been taken by someone with a good rep on several sites including THT. Short of blasting his reputation to Shreds all over the net and small claims court, not sure what else to do.
I did sign a Transport agreement but their is no date on it. I do believe I have an email somewhere with the original requested dates.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:48 PM
fdheld34 fdheld34 is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

Did you use a credit card for the deposit??
I made a heafty deposit on my credit card and services were not rendered. I contacted the credit card company..supplied them with all paperwork etc. The credit card company did not charge me interest on the charge that I made for the contractual deposit while they conducted their investigation. They contacted the person's bank and did not get a response within 3 billing cycles and finally took the charge off of my credit card for good. The individual had closed his merchant account.....I spoke with an assistant State Attny in my area and she told me to try and deal with credit card co first prior to filing court docs.
If you have to deal with court...
You have to file police report first and take report to SA Office or Clerk of Court depending on amount. It is considered fraud in the State of FL to receive monies without following through with contract (I dont remember the exact F.S.S.!!). If you do call the local Sheriff's office make sure you speak with the desk sgt. and don't let him/her blow you off. Also type up an affidavit and have it notarized to take with you to the S.O.
Dont let them say it is out of their jurisdiction or a civil matter..I used to do that all the time
"...Southern by the grace of God"
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:52 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

Find the email and send it to him
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:54 PM
fdheld34 fdheld34 is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

Tim-that would work too
"...Southern by the grace of God"
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Old 04-01-2010, 06:59 AM
Ryank Ryank is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

It was a check,(which I will Never do again) and he is out of Naples. The contract does read he needs to deliver the boat, so I am guessing if he tries to shaft me I would win in court if he never delivers. The only issues is no actual date of delivery on the contract. Since He is out of Naples If I need to file in Small claims, would it have to be Naples or here where I live? The email I truly believe he won't care about, I am thinking he is an older guy, infact been making boats/ Yachts for near 40 years in Fl, maybe the resin fumes have taken their toll [img]/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
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Old 04-01-2010, 09:08 AM
fdheld34 fdheld34 is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

Did he cash check already??
Guess he did or you could do a stop pmt on check
Make an effort to contact him via email and phone calls. keep a record of the dates times that you tried to make contact..write down phone times and dates when you previously contacted him as well (ned to establish the fact that he is not rendering a service and ignoring the contract)..and keep with all of your other paperwork along with copy of cashed conversations etc...Obviously if he does not contact you then follow through. Call the Attorney General's Office today 1-866-966-7226 regarding jurisdiction etc.
They can point you in the right direction and can explain what you need to do further. Drop me a pm..!!
"...Southern by the grace of God"
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Old 04-01-2010, 09:35 AM
bobbert bobbert is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

Same scam used by car haulers. Seems to be a problem in Florida. These guys figure you are far away and won't chase them.

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Old 04-01-2010, 12:11 PM
Trayder Trayder is offline
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Default Re: Think I am getting screwed

I have gone through this 2-times one time I had to get law enforcement involved as I was part of a scam and keeping a deposit of thousands of dollars is criminal in most states, I did get my $$ back and would be happy to help.

I hope he just forgot, if he came recommended that is probably all it is.

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