FOR SALE !!! Seldom seen 23' straight inboard 1977 Bill Potter Savage , Center console only 7 made like this in 77' or a total of 16 in all. Forward cuddy to get out of the weather or store tackle... Original small block chevy V 8 not been started in 4 years... ( ran fine last time out ) Ready for replacement... Excellent hull condition....No serious defects.. Great potential to restore one of the most unusual Sea Crafts around. This a low center of gravity, economical ( inboard ) quite, ultra smooth ridding fishing machine ...... I would like to sell it for $17,500 ( where are you going to find another ??? ) but realistically I will let it go for $12,500. Boat is located in Chesapeake Virginia.............. A brand new custom Loadmaster aluminum trailer with stainless steel package available for less then cost is available ( never been in water - boat was in storage and put on trailer with folk lift ) Don't miss there rare opportunity to own a true classic.
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[email protected] or call 1 561 512- 5786