Ikan- I went to Art Center, graduated (Trans) in 1996! Small world. I moved to Detroit for 5 years but now I'm back in Pasadena. What was your major?
I assumed an ACCD past with the "car designer" and Pasadena location. In my case PHOT'89.
As to the boat, that's a 20' rather than an 18'. Not that that fact should dimish your fun any. I've owned both and the similarities outnumber the differences. I actually had my 20' completely redone to mimick my 18' (see "Mark's 20" in the gallery section).
As to shipping, I agree with what one person posted about towing it being cheaper. I've towed boats from NC roundtrip to SoCal on several occasions and it's really not bad at all. I'd tow it over paying thousands to have it moved anyday.