New Member as of 1/25(Barnstable gathering story)
Well Hello to all!!!! Im a new member as of last night!! I came across your site while I was looking for ideas for some of my thoughts!! Kind of funny that I came across this site!! Last summer I was out in my recently purchased '71 20'Seafari and saw a red seafari out off the parking lot off Barnstable Harbor. We trolled by each other exchanging a wave and I was told everyone was inside. Being friendly and having no idea what he was talking about said okay and waved him on. Fished for awhile. Well I had to fuel up and headed to Barnstable Harbor as I was going in I saw a pile of SeaCrafts!!!! After fueling I was going back by those SeaCrafts when I saw that red Seafari anchoring up and pulled up to say Hi for a minute and pulled away. Pulling away admiring all the other Crafts I said to my dog "look at all those SeaCrafts, wierd huh, well they must all be buddies from the area" Everytime I went into fuel(which is several times a week) I checked to see if they were there again!!! Thinking well thats weird I wonder why they arn't here everyweekend?? Well a half a year later I found all of ya!!!!!! Well I think this is a great site and I am excite to hopefully check out another Barnstable gathering if there happens to be one this year!!!! This time I'll come ashore and meet all these people I've been reading about!!!!!!! Well thanks again for this amazing site and will keep in touch!!! Tom