I was part of a 6 person crew to race a 43’ sailboat from Charleston, SC to Bermuda in this years C2B race. Probably the single most mentally and physically challenging thing I’ve ever done. We ended with 2nd in class, 4th overall, and 1st Beneteau boat to arrive. We kicked AZZ considering it was a first for all the crew!! Six days, 1hr. 53 min. to cross the finish line. Everything we take for granted in our homes was a major chore/challenge aboard while underway….bathroom, cooking, changing clothes, sleeping, etc. We did 4 hrs. on - 4 hrs. off and were called up almost every “off” shift. We caught 4 dolphin, 1 wahoo. The worst was (48 hrs. worth) 30-40 knt. winds and up to 15’ seas, the best was spinnaker locked in for 1 ˝ days and trolling. Bermuda is very clean, low crime rate, excellent public transportation, and expensive!! Cold Coronas were $6.50 and gas ~ $7.30/gal. Enjoy!
The Spirit of South Carolina was part of the start:
For the SeaCraft fans: There were several at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club
It’s tough to not ruin a camera when it’s howling:
First land in 6 days: