Originally Posted by bigeasy1
I may be mistaken but I think Water Rat,Chris Downey runs a 454 in his 23.
I'd like to see what his performance numbers are.
I'm sure Chris will chime in, but I don't think his performance with the big block is that much better than a small block. He's got it hitched to a Bravo drive and needs massive Kiekhafer trim tabs to keep her balanced. The biggest down side I've personally witnessed in his boat, and I'm sure he'll concur, is water through the scuppers due to that extra weight. With a couple guys in the back at rest, you've got a good 1" of seawater on deck. Typically I concur with "there's no substitute for cubic inches", but in the case of a 23, it seems to work against you.
The 350 just seems made for the 23; go for that and you'll be more than happy.