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Old 01-09-2013, 01:25 PM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: western massachusetts
Posts: 1,048
Default Where are all these so called cheap Florida houses

Whenever any friends or co workers come back from a stay in Florida,they tell you all about how cheap the houses in Florida are.It's always something unbelievable, like "you can't belive how cheap houses are there"You can buy a house for 75,000"
Are they exaggerating or dreaming? When I go on to,or other real estate sites and look around, everything I see that's cheap is mostly run down or in a terrible area.Maybe I don't know where to look.

I'm doing a little daydreaming myself,as I just started taking my soc sec.benefits and figure I'll work for another couple of years,then call it quits.(unless my savings & private retirement dollars evaporate,A scary thought).
After a few days of shoveling snow this past week,It got me to thinking,maybe I should eventually sell my home in Ma.,spend the summers at my camp in western NY on the great lakes,and maybe either get a permanent camper at a campground,or affordable small house in Florida for the winter months.

I love the summers up here in the north,so I want to stay,but the winters get less and less tolerable each passing year.
I thought why not get a small center console for some sheltered waters,and a little place to spend the winters in Florida that wouldn't break the bank.
Is this do-able? other than doing trade shows for years at Doral in Miami and a few in Orlando, and Daytona I don't know much about any other areas.

Where in Florida could a guy go and fish with a smallish 18-20' cc by himself on some sheltered waters for fun (and food) have a small affordable place to live for a few months(December -April).Is this possible?
I figured why do I really need a home in Ma.If I'm not in NY. on my boat I can always stay with one of my children in Ma. for a few weeks when needed before I head south.

Any suggestions?,-areas in Fl. to look?- good places with a mix of waters to fish solo?-Or is it best to just rent a place for the winter months each year and call it a day?
All this,just for a boat ride
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