Never Again II
When I was getting close to finishing my '74 20SF earlier this year , I joked with my wife (she really didn't see the humor) that I would name it "Never Again". I told her this was so I could name the next one "Never Again II". She still has not laughed.....
So begins the next boat project, a '75 Sceptre twin I/O which I plan on converting to a bracket / outboard(s) . I picked the boat up a few weeks ago from OSEAD in NJ and have started to disassemble. The sole/deck is shot as well as the patch over the tank. Previous owner had some rough glass work on the fish/storage box on center to make it deeper - that will need to be fixed. Forward deck is also wet/soft .Transom , surprisingly sounds solid but is likely wet too.
The hull is in pretty good shape with no damage or apparent spider cracks. There is a brush paint job that actually came our pretty good between the waterline and the rail. Boat is that Seacraft mustard yellow underneath so will be looking for a good paint stripper to start. to get cleaned up before final paint down the road.
The cabin was actually in pretty good shape and damage free and seems solid - hopefully not much work to do in there except remove cream colored carpet from the overhead and paint.
Here are pics as it was a couple weeks ago mostly intact.