Vacation saved by my tandem axle trailer!
On more than one occasion I have posted the benefits of a tandem axle trailer, like quickly changing a flat by rolling the good tire unto a block of wood.
About three weeks before our scheduled rental of a lake house, to my surprise after dumping Anita and our 20’ Seafari in the water, as I rounded the crest to the parking area my left trailer wheel passed me and rolled into the woods. I knew the bearings were suspect but it was only 4 miles RT from storage to the ramp and truly was going to attend to it the next day. After pressure washing the axle and discovering only minor nicks in the spindle which blended out with a Dremel, I was able to install a new bearing hub assembly. So, thank God this event was not much more than an embarrassment and was easily, inexpensively, and quickly resolved, which would not have been the case with a single axle dragging on the road.
I agree with the one big outboard versus two smaller ones logic, but for trailers I continue to be happy with my tandem Hitchhiker.