ITCHY / Fiberglass
Help I'm Ithy ! I know where goggles & long sleeves , but one thing leads into another!
Its not the long/short particles but Dust Grinding a lil here & there !! Stupid Me I know.It was way to Hot today for long sleeves or pants.NOW I'M PAYING FOR IT.EYEBROWS ESPECIALLY.I know My arms will start bout 2 am. I'll try it all except the PantyHose trick,Think that got started by the Joe Nameth Group! Couple Shots of Turkey before bedtime ?? Scream'n Reels' [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
http://www.frenzie.com/frenzielogoline.GIF www.frenzie.com http://www.frenzie.com/custom.htm "Classic SeaCraft" Lures 1983_seacraft_master_angler.]htm My wife and I had words, But I didn't get to use mine."?" |