Coming to the Cape
Thirty days until arrival of the annual ten or so days in So. Wellfleet. I can taste it! Hear it's cooling off quite nicely these days. Done the Vineyard, not very interested in Nantucket. Thinking of an overnight/weekend to Gloucester. Any ideas? The girls just can't fish Day and Night! Two couples want to see the Seaport, the Statue and grab a nice room or B&B. Any suggestions? My fiance and myself have never been to Boston, either. Hear there are some vintage fire stations there, but I have NO intentions. Anyone ever checked out the firemans museum in, I think it's Brewster? I will have beach passes to Race Point, the bayside of Truro, and a pretty reliable 20' CC out of Wellfleet Harbor. Can't Wait!!! No access to internet but cell works pretty well out there. Thanks, Vezo.