What do you say when someone asks
what boat is that? I have spent a bunch of money, time, anxiety, worry, planning,and blood re-making my 1976 23 cc and still have my 1973 20 cc also re-done. I'm starting to tell people that it is a CLASSIC SEACRAFT.
Maybe I need to come up with a name sticker using the same style type Classic SeaCraft.
I have a very difficult time saying it is a SEACRAFT associating it with the current builder. I know my 1976 is a better boat than the $80,000 boats they are trying to sell now. Yes Captn Chuck the CSC stickers are going on before Sat. but they are not big enough for people staring to see what they say!!!! There are a lot of boats on this site that are promoting the current line by saying they are SEACRAFTs.....almost like deceptive advertising [img]/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]