1973 20
There is an add in a local paper for a 1973 20 Seacraft. Center console, deck and transom reported to be in good condtion. The electronics are nothing special, and would be replaced. Powered by a evinrude 150 (early to mid 90's)also in "good" condition. Boat comes with a trailer which is only 1-2 years old. When the topic of the Potter hull came up, the current owner did not even know the importance of the builder. I only had a brief chance to speak with him, but from the discussion he does not seem to know classics very well. I have yet to see the boat, but with an asking price of $6500, it may be hard to pass up. Any reccomendations about what to ask/look for. I know some about Potter built SC's but you guys are the professionals. Any info could tip the scale into putting my first Seacraft in my drive way. Thanks