Bennett Add Campaign
I was contacted by Fair Hyams of Bennett Trim Tabs after sending a few pictures of my boat. They are going to do ½ page advertising showing my 1976 23’ CC SeaCraft and a picture of myself in several boating and fishing magazines. I had the photo crew come to my office a few days ago taking pictures. My trim tabs were installed on this boat back in 1977 and they are about the only thing I didn’t replace when I re did my boat in 2001. Fair told me that if anything brakes on the tabs that they would send me what ever I needed, but I told him that the tabs have been on there since 1977 and probably would last another 28 years before they would go bad. Well guess what, I received a little thank you gift of their tab positional indicator and a new toggle switch in the mail. My old toggle switch still works great but the sun has faded it out some so he sent me a new one plus the positional indicator which looks like a pretty cool device to let you know exactly how high or low you tabs are. Sometimes I can’t tell if I should go up on the one or go down on the other this takes that guesswork out. My guess the adds should show up in magazines in a month or two.
FellowShip [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]