Re: epoxy and fiberglass matt
Melimene [sp?] is usually a thin sheet material, kind's like Formica which can be used too.
When building a layup table it need's to be made with material's that will not warp. Typical for our use would be a panel that can be setup and taken down just laid on a few sawhorse's. A sheet of decent 3/4in plywood and a sheet of 3/4in MDF [Mediun Density Fiberboard] glued together Then a sheet of Formica glued on each side with the exposed edges of the wood sealed should work well. The Formica on the bottom side help's to keep it balanced and sealed from moisture. Storage is important too and can be a pain with limited storage room. I use the regular mold release wax to wax it. It's available from the fiberglass supply house's. Strick use's a bunch of 3/4in MDF to build mold's, like the one for his leaning post and motor bracket. He knock's 'em out quick. He's a mold building son of gun. He's taken Bigshrimpin under his wing now, teaching him the ropes. |