My Tsunami is finally finished(just about)
Well,after a long couple of years,I'M 99.9 percent done with the restoration of my 74 Tsunami.
I didn't expect,in the beginning,that it would be such a project. I didn't go to the level of finish,that others on this site have done.Some of the restos done by members such as Strick, Bonefish,and others absolutely amaze me. I've done a couple of lesser restorations and transoms before,but nothing like this.Funny how you look at a boat sitting in a field for years(like I did),and say to yourself,"it really doesn't need all that much work".Yeah right!. All i have to do is replace the transom,fix a couple of soft spots in the deck,shoot it with some paint,etc etc.I sure found out quickly how wrong I was. How did I! know that the deck,the engine beds,the hatches,and all the other cored stuff would be turned to peat moss? I have to say for the most part,it was enjoyable,but trying to do all this stuff in the winter.in a tarped in enclosure,didn't make it easy. So my thanks to all of you,who provided such good information,tips,and techniques.you were all a huge help. Here's a few pictures to bore you with. Still have to finish up the bottom paint,and put the boot top stripes on it,but its almost there. ************************************************** * THE DAY I PIKED IT UP THE GOODIES I FOUND ALL THE JUNK THAT WAS IN THE CUDDY GRIMY BILGE AFTER I PULLED THE ENGINE CLEANED UP FOUND THE ROTTED ENGINE BEDS ALL THE PEAT MOSS REMOVED,READY FOR NEW TRANSOM & BEDS PULLING THE TANK ROTTED OR WET CORE IN FUEL TANK HATCH REPAIRED AND RE-CORED BAD SPOTS IN DECK AND FRONT COMPARTMENT DROPPING IN NEW TRANSOM TRANSOM BEDDED AND SECURED IN GLASSING IN TRANSOM NEW ENGINE BEDS TRANSOM,& ENG BEDS DONE AND GEL COATED FUEL TANK INSTALLED WITH NEW HOSES,AND GAUGE,ALSO BATTERY PLACEMENT TRANSOM CAP RECORED AND REGLASSED,I GOT RID OF THE BAIT WELLS. ENGINE WITH LOTS OF NEW STUFF,MANIFOLDS,WATER PUMP,CARB,WIRES,ETC. TEN LAYERS OF 1708 FOR WASH DOWN SEACOCK. ENGINE INSTALLED WIRING INSIDE PAINTING THE HULL
All this,just for a boat ride |