Tank supplier for an '83 20SF & fuel pickup issue
Hey guys – I am having an issue where the motor on my rig (2001 Yami 200HPDI) is starving for fuel running hard (3.6K+). Fuel bulb is getting sucked flat. I’m thinking it is the fuel pickup valve out of the tank. (other thoughts welcome here) I am wondering 2 things – 1) are the valves universal for tanks or am I going to need to get a tank-specific pickup valve and 2) if they are tank specific, does anyone know who supplied tanks for an ’83 20sf? I was told be a buddy that it is likely to be from Florida Marine Tanks, but wanted to confirm. Also - any thought on how challenging the a task replacing the fuel pickup is? Thanks
http://www.s4avant.com/sigs/TF_Sig_II.gif |