Trailer Bunk Repair
So i got the trailer out from under the boat with the boat up on stands. have to repair the bunks because the one side is rotten. what i found is this. First off the bunks sit on the frame of the trailer. If your standing at the rear of the trailer facing toward the tongue the bunks spread. meaning at the rear they are 59 inchs from outside of bunk to outside. towards the tongue they spread to 61 inchs. They also slant 3 inchs up from back to front with a wedge. Why would this be done? Do the chins get wider as they go forward? does not seem right to me. i have included some pictures. maybe that is the way it is supposed to go. The spread to the first step down is 58 inchs so the bunks actually sit on the second step down
any help would be greatly appriciated
1974 23 SF - "Likes It Rough" http://www.classicseacraft.com/forum...rt=&PHPSESSID= |